Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The And The Mosaic Law - 4038 Words
Churches today have about the same level of knowledge as the Jews and Gentiles when Tertius penned the words spoken by Paul to Rome. Dominations around the Globe live within a division about the purpose of the Mosaic Law. One domination feels that the Mosaic Law has superior presidencies over the Church that requires strict adherence in order to have righteousness to live a Godly life. While the other dominations feel since Christ has fulfilled the Law (Romans 10:4 KJV), the Mosaic Law pertains nothing to them or their actions as a Christian. Paul directly tells the Jews and Gentiles they have miss interrupted the Mosaic Law; that the Mosaic Law truly reveals that not one person is righteous before the Lord; therefore must seek salvation†¦show more content†¦For the Law is not sufficiently convicting Israel of her sinfulness and sadly this applies to Gentiles as well.†For the Jewish Nation has restest in the law, allowing the Jews to boast about a freedom from judgement as Gods’ elect. Therefore, considering themselves confident to guide the blind and be as a light to them that are in the darkness. (Romans 2:17-23 KJV) Paul uses the key word â€Å"restest†as one being slothful; fat, to describe Israel’s lack of understanding the Laws purpose and for not observing the Law. Paul continues argueing with a Jewish interlocutor who is questioning the fact that Paul has mentioned one circumcised has no profit if the circumcised still breaks the law. For there is no difference between circumcision and uncircumcision in Gods’ eyes; however, those that have been circumcised have through the Covenant of Abraham have been entrusted with the oracles (Law) of God. (Romans3:2 KJV) Nevertheless, if one circumcised breaks the law, that person is now uncircumcised. Yet if the uncircumcised still retains their righteousness of the Law, is his uncircumcision will be it counted as circumcision according to the Law? Paul was calling the kettle black with the Jewish interlocutor. Here again Paul refutes the interlocutor that it is not just the Gentiles that have sinned; however all of humanityShow MoreRelatedMosaic Dietary Laws4763 Words  | 20 PagesMosaic Dietary Laws By Bryan Leinweber October 31, 2003 Introduction The Mosaic dietary laws, the laws imposed by the directives of Moses on the Israelites, extended from earlier restrictions that had been placed on the eating habits of the human race. The Old Testament is full of directives regarding food consumption and Gods law, and even Genesis addresses limitations imposed on certain types of food consumption. Primarily, the restrictions placed on the consumption of certain typesRead MoreThe New Covenant Of The Mosaic Law933 Words  | 4 Pagesconclusion that the law, all parts of it are abolished, or done away with - particularly, the New Covenant Theologians (NCT). The NCT view the entire Mosaic Law as being done away with in favor of the Law of Christ. 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The first five books of the Bible, called by Christians the PENTATEUCH, are called the Torah (tà ´rà ¢, law) by the Jews.†â€Å"The Mosaic Law begins with the Ten Commandments and includes the many rules of religious observance given in the first five books of the Old Testament.†The Mosaic Law in the Old Testament was a law given by God to Moses (Mosaic) as a covenant to Israel. This covenant is very importantRead MoreEssay on What is the Christians Relationship to the Old Testament887 Words  | 4 Pagesregarding the Law and the Prophets. Jesus summarized the Law and Prophets in Matthew 22:37-40. But the Sermon on the Mount best delivers insight into the mind of Christ regarding his view on this subject. He told his audience, â€Å"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them†(Matt 5:17). Jesus easily identifies his position here. From Romans 3:31, Paul validates what Jesus is saying. The fulfillment of the law is then establishedRead MoreThe Poisonous Tree1065 Words  | 5 PagesReasonableness Introduction Most of us have seen things that officers or other Law agency have done to other individual and have stated that it was either an unreasonable search and seizure of items that was found on or in the individuals’ car, house, etc., but why would they consider it unreasonable? This usually ends up being a problem for individuals who do not understand the law or how it applies to certain situations. This learner will address the definition of what unreasonable means, whichRead MoreMy Fellow Christians Of Berea1712 Words  | 7 Pagesway in order to create peace is an example of living how God would want us to live. As Jesus taught us the golden rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Christians do not need to be fearful, do not need to be circumcised and do not need to observe Mosaic law in order to be viewed as descendants of Abraham and inheritors of God’s covenant. Christians, there is not a need to be fearful of the Thessalonians. I say this for many reasons beyond my own opinions or thoughts, but on facts of the account
Monday, December 16, 2019
Edgar Allan Poe Free Essays
Mysterious Death of a Mystery Man Death is an instance in which all vitals of the body have shut down, when life no longer remains in the body, and when something is declared dead. But, there is always something that causes this death whether old age, illness, tragedy, accidents, or suicide. In some cases, the cause of death is known soon after the passing or even before they have passed. We will write a custom essay sample on Edgar Allan Poe or any similar topic only for you Order Now In other cases, it takes quite some time to figure out exactly why life was lost. Then, there are those very few occasions that no exact cause is known and many assumptions are thrown around naming phony reasons of the death, when in the end, it will always be a mystery. This is exactly what has been done with the death of Edgar Allan Poe. Many have come up with different assumptions and accusations of Poe’s death, but none have been claimed to be the absolute positive explanation of it. John S. Craig writes, â€Å"His death in Baltimore, Maryland, October 7, 1849 has been surrounded by mystery form the very moment he was found unconscious in a Baltimore tavern a few days before he died in a hospital†( ? . A few of the hypotheses are that Poe was an alcoholic, whose drinking led to his death, had medical problems and diseases that eventually caused his passing, and the Cooping Theory, which ended in him being severely beaten which led to his death a few days later. Poe’s death is a mystery that will never be completely solved. Poe’s dea th could have occurred through some sort of alcoholism. Different forms of disaster, stress, and depression drove Poe to drink. During Virginia’s, Poe’s wife, long battle with different illnesses, Poe began to drink quite a bit to help cope with the stress that evolved from this tragedy. Madhavi Ghare writes, â€Å"On October 3, 1849, Edgar Allan Poe was found drunk and unconscious on the streets of Baltimore, in someone else’s clothes. He was taken to the Washington College Hospital, where he died four days later on October 7, 1849†( ? ). One theory of Poe’s alcoholism is that he had a rare medical condition where simply one or two drinks could have a devastating outcome towards him immune system making it seem like he has had way more. This was also backed by Poe telling his wife, friends, and others who asked how many drinks he had, that he had only drank one or two. The problem with this statement is that we do not know if Poe was telling the truth or hiding the fact that he had been excessively drinking all night. Alcohol might or might not have played a role in Poe’s death; it is a mystery we will never know the answer too. Another circumstance in which Poe could have died is from different illnesses and diseases. Back in the time Poe was alive, medical treatment and diagnosis was still at a low level. Even if one was said to have a certain illness, a treatment to heal was most likely still unknown. Poe was thought to have many diseases and illnesses including lesions on the brain, heart disease, cholera, excessive nervous prostration, loss of nerve power, enzyme disorder, tuberculosis, epilepsy, diabetes, rabies, and hydrophobia. One of the diseases that made most sense for him to have was rabies. R. Michael Benitez writes, â€Å"Poe was a well-known animal lover and was especially fond of cats, which can transmit the rabies virus. There was no record of an animal bite preceding Poe’s ailment, but the illness can take more than a year to surface†( ? ). Even though Poe might not have had a bite mark on him at the hospital, the incident in which the rabies was transferred could have been up to a year before then. Poe was thought to have many different illnesses and diseases which could have easily taken his life from him. One possible circumstance that could have resulted in Poe’s death is the Cooping Theory. The Cooping Theory is when on election day, gangs use to kidnap bystanders and hold them hostage in a room, known as the â€Å"coop,†and make them go to the poll and vote over and over again for who the gang wanted to win the election. The gangs would beat the people and get them drunk to ensure they cooperated. CW Fisher writes, â€Å"Beatings became more frequent and severe as the day wore on, partly to keep the voters awake and motivated, and partly to ensure loss of memory†( ? ). The gangs would make the people to change clothes so the poll workers would not recognize them and let them vote again. When Poe was found on a bench, he was near poll called Ryan’s Fourth Ward Polls. This poll served as a bar and voting poll. Poe was drunk and he was not wearing his own clothes. This evidence leads towards the assumption that Poe’s death evolved from the Cooping Theory. Poe’s death has many explanations and assumptions that will never be solved. Poe’s death can range from him drinking himself to death, dying from different illnesses such as rabies, tuberculosis, diabetes, cholera, heart disease, brain disease, or him being a victim of the Cooping Theory, which forced him to drink excessively and be beaten multiple times by gangs at election polls. It is a mystery. Poe wrote many mysterious stories himself including â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum,†â€Å"The Purloined Letter,†â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,†and â€Å"A Descent into Maelstrom. †It is ironic that his death is a mystery itself. Elizabeth Flock writes, â€Å"Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories are filled with cryptic death scenes, so it was only fitting that the master of the macabre would meet a similarly mysterious end†( ? ). Flock makes it seem as though it was Poe’s fate for his death to remain a mystery, and remain a mystery, it has. Works Cited Page Craig, John S. The Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe’s Death. 7 Jan. 2009. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. ?http://voices. yahoo. com/the-mystery-edgar-allan-poes-death-2463818. html? cat=38? Ghare, Madhavie. Edgar Allan Poe Biography. 10 Oct. 2012. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. ?http://www. buzzle. com/articles/edgar-allan-poe-biography. tml? Benitez, R. Michael. Did Rabies Fell Edgar Allan Poe?. 2 Nov. 1996. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. ?http://www. cswnet. com/~erin/eap3. htm? Fisher, CW. The Murders of Edgar Allan Poe. 5 May 2005. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. ?http://depressionalmanac. blogspot. com/2005/05/murders-of-edgar-allan-poe. html? Flock, Elizabeth. Edgar Allan Poe died 162 years ago, yet the mystery of his death has not been solved. 7 Oct. 2011. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. ?http://www. washingtonpost. com/blogs/blogpost/post/edgar-allen-poe-died-162-years-ago-yet-the-mystery-of-his-death-has-not-been-solved/2011/10/07/gIQAFVsVTL_blog. html? How to cite Edgar Allan Poe, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Cognitive Social Development Occur Children-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Cognitive Social Development Occur Children? Answer: Introducation It is a global fact that early childhood development- provided for in the UN Sustainable Development goals- lays down human developments foundations (Britto et al., 2017). As a consequence, different aspects of childhood development are influenced differently by factors privy to the phenomenon, leading to certain developmental disparities. Particularly, in 2-5-year-olds, a certain form of deprivation may impact a developmental domain or function. Consider the case of 3-year-old Jack. His mothers fear emanates from suspecting a denial of some sort. Development in children encompasses multiple areas. However, two are discussed here. On the one hand, theres cognitive development while on the other hand, social development. The above will be accompanied by an understanding of a couple of development theories, factors that influence the development and the relevance of understanding development to midwifery and nursing. According to the California Department of Education, cognitive development entails growth and change processes in the mental abilities- how they think, understand, and reason, in the process, acquire and consolidate knowledge- of a child ("Cognitive Development Domain - Child Development (CA Dept of Education)", n.d.). An example of cognitive development in two to five-year-olds include memory abilities in that the children portray information or experience acquisition, storage, and recall over a period. More so, through the capacity to remember 2-5-year-olds can establish differences in people or objects, learn a language, articulate the rules of social interaction and take part in personal care routines such as relieving themselves. Also, symbol use in 3-5-year-old is associated with cognitive development (Bjorklund and Causey, 2017). Social development refers to the process of learning values, knowledge, and skills that enhance childrens effective relations to others and contributions towards the same. It involves passage of learning both directly and indirectly (Mooney, 2013). For example, the passage could be through care providers or by social relationships. Examples of social development include language development. It enhances the childs peers as interaction with them provides a child with the opportunity to practice and learn the skills related to the use of speech and language. Even more, 2-5-year-olds show more interest in others. The likely indicators of this level development are initiation or joining play with others and toy sharing(Mooney, 2013). Ericksons theory of psychosocial theory of development classifies this as the third stage a person undergoes in an entire life cycle. There are various theories that time and time again have been used to provide insight into the important aspects of cognitive and social development occurring in children at certain ages. Further, these theories inform on the factors that might be at play during development. For instance, Lev Vygotskys theory of cognitive development posited that the transformation and internalization of information from the outside world occurred through language (Leech, 2015). Language, according to the theory is discovered through play. Language development and how a child understands the outside world is in largely influenced by play. Thus, 3-year-old Jack could be lagging behind in skill mastery and speech development due to a lack of enough players. Additionally,Vygotsky put forth that the interactive nature of play developed cognition arguing that social development must take place first. Another theory, UrieBronfenbrenners ecological systems theory provides anexplanation as to how growth and development are influenced by the childs environment and the child. Labeled in theory are the aspects of the environment that influence developments. These are the microsystem, microsystem, mesosystem, and ecosystem. These could be at play hence explaining the concerns put forth by Jacks mom. The referral made by Child and Family health nurse to an informal environment is all geared to addressing the factors outlined by Bronfenbrenners theory. Besides, the zone of proximal development is illustrated by the distance that exist between the real level of development in independent problem-solving and the potential development level determined under guidance of adults or collaboration of peers. Such a mechanism represents Vygotsky ideas as an effective way of interacting with peers in the promotion of strategies and development of skills, like teachers can utilize the approach in the enhancing learning process among students. Cognitive and social development is influenced by a number of factors Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory- briefly outlined above- classifies the factors into four major categories: microsystem, microsystem, mesosystem, and ecosystem. The ecosystem, comprising of factors such as interactions with other people influences development in a number of ways, also explaining why Jacks case is as his mother explains. Parents, whether known to them or not, play an important role in teaching cognitive skills, Britto et al. (2017) reiterates this fact. The feat is achieved through taking part in parent-child discussions and taking up the role model role. In effect, the childs major cognitive skills are enhanced. These are self-control, problem-solving and critical thinking (Britto et al., 2017). Ideally, in relation to parenting practices push children towards using their brains. Similarly, parenting practices influence social development by affecting their social functioning. Particularl y, Joseph John (2008) explain that a childs individuality, self-assertion and self-regulation are enhanced by a parents support of the childs demands and needs. Jacks lag in skill mastery and speech development can be accounted for by this factor. According to the study, languages, traditions, beliefs values and behaviors, that constitute culture, influence perception of self among children and what they view as important (Weisner, 2014). The relevance of understanding this life stage to nurse and midwifery practice is as follows. For instance, the approach provides expert advice to parents who express concern with their childs level of development as compared to their peers (Barnes et al., 2015). Jack case is an example. Upon consulting the Child and Family Health Nurse, she is not only reassured that Jack would meet all mile stones, but she is referred to a womens group that will help in discussing the strategies that will enable Jack to gain continence and further speech development. Two, as outlined by Barnes et al. (2015), understanding the life stage allows nurses and midwives give anticipatory guidance with appropriate timing. Giving information too early is not recommended as it might be forgotten when needed, and too late is not appropriate either it is possible the primary care giver might have overlooked an issue or addressed it in a way that does not suffice the need of the parent. Three, Huang et al., (20 11) states that a nurses primary focus in pediatric care is adetermination of the level of developmental period of a child as a result, able to judge whether a child is normal for a particular stage of development. Without knowledge of cognitive and social development, a nurse will not be able to answer questions dealt by the parents regarding normalcy of certain behaviors noted by the parent. In conclusion, understanding the important aspects of thedevelopment of children in certain age brackets is important since certain signals, affiliated to the developmental period of a child, will inform of the growth and development of the child. Close observation and fulfillment of a childs needs by providing an appropriate environment. Importantly, nursing and midwifery areexists to provide parents with appropriate information at a particular stage. Thus, understanding life stages is imperative as the theories of developments and the examples that institute a certain developmental aspect is not known to many. References Bjorklund, D. F., Causey, K. B. (2017). Children's thinking: Cognitive development and individual differences. SAGE Publications. Britto, P. R., Lye, S. J., Proulx, K., Yousafzai, A. K., Matthews, S. G., Vaivada, T., ... MacMillan, H. (2017). Nurturing care: promoting early childhood development. The Lancet, 389(10064), 91-102. Cognitive Development Domain - Child Development (CA Dept of Education). Cde.ca.gov. Retrieved 26 July 2017, from https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/itf09cogdev.asp Huang, L. C., Sun, S. H., Li, R. H., Chang, F. U., Cheng, J. F., Chen, L. L. (2011). Pediatric nurses: cognition of young child development and attitudes and behaviors toward developmental care. Hu li zazhiThe journal of nursing, 58(3), 53-63. Joseph M. V., John J. (2008). Impact of parenting styles on child development. Global Academic Society Journal: Social Science Insight, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 16-25. ISSN 2029-0365. [www.ScholarArticles.net] Leach, N. (2015). Social Development Theory: A case for multilingual tutorials (Mlts) in Law. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 10(1), 51-68. Mooney, C. G. (2013). Theories of Childhood: An Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget Vygotsky. Redleaf Press. Weisner, T. S. (2014). Culture, context, and child well-being.In Handbook of child well-being (pp. 87-103).Springer Netherlands. Walsh, A., Barnes, M., Mitchell, A. E. (2015). Nursing care of children in general practice settings: roles and responsibilities. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(11), 2585-2594.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Conflict In The Former Portuguese Southeast Asian Colony Of East T
The conflict in the former Portuguese Southeast Asian colony of East Timor, illegally invaded and annexed by Indonesia in September 1975, continues to fester away. Indonesia's suppression of legitimate East Timorese aspirations for respect of their human rights, including the right of self-determination, has been a cause for continued international tensions. The death toll in East Timor is approximately 250,000. The size of the death toll, combined with Indonesian policies that seem to be explicitly aimed at lowering and diluting the Timorese population have led to accusations stating that this is intentional genocide by the Indonesian regime. The Indonesian military has established an intense and pervasive presence in East Timor. Weapons have been supplied to the military by many countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. The government of Singapore supports the removal of such weapons as fighter planes, bombers, missiles, helicopters, light tanks, armored personnel carriers, armored water cannons, Bailey bridges, Land Rovers, frigates, patrol boats, naval guns and firing systems. Such actions as reductions to the Indonesian Military Education and Training (IMET) program, an embargo on the sale of light weapons to Indonesia, and a suspension on the sale of certain types of heavy weapons is also supported. The government of Singapore is giving their full support toward removing troops from East Timor. Not only will this cease the violence, it will also allow the process of self-determination to begin. In December of 1975 and April of 1976, the Security Council of the United Nations passed resolutions which demanded that "the Government of Indonesia withdraw all of its forces from the territory." Although all United Nations members are bound to abide by Security Council resolutions, Indonesia has been in defiance of this rule for over twenty years. The government of Singapore is showing a willingness to work with the international community towards removing these troops. Singapore fully believes that peace can not be solely established in East Timor with just the removal of the Indonesian military, but through the process of removing all weapons, and with the reductions of such programs as the IMET. The Situation in Afghanistan Singapore, as much of the global community, is concerned with the current crisis in Afghanistan. In August of 1998, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1193, which called for an immediate cease-fire, peace talks, elimination of aid, and the immediate release of any diplomats held by the Taliban. This Resolution has been refused by the Taliban to this date. Because of the many humanitarian issues involved, Singapore, as upholders of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance, believe that the Taliban's restrictions are a direct violation of many basic human rights, such as freedom of religion. In addition, more economic and humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan is strongly recommended by the Republic of Singapore who encourages all members to support joint resolutions advocating such actions. As the Taliban's actions threaten to lead the war between Afghanistan and Iran, Singapore calls upon the Taliban government to answer all of Iran's complaints honestly and to negotiate a settlement without preconditions to prevent further problems in the future. The Kosovo Crisis The government of Singapore is severely concerned with the violent actions which are taking place in Kosovo. On February 28, 1998, Serbian special police launched a brutal attack against the Albanians. From that day on, several massacres of innocent civilians have been committed. Singapore supports the peace talks taking place in France, which give the international community an historic opportunity to create peace in Kosovo that provides the basis for long-term stability in the region. The government of Singapore will show a willingness to work within the international community to create a resolution in order to gain and retain peace. The government of Singapore also believes that all Serbian forces should be removed from Kosovo. Removal of the forces will dramatically improve the security situation for international peace-keepers assigned there by removing the target of KLA attacks. The removal will also create an atmosphere of security in which the population of Kosovo can end its reliance on armed resistance. In exchange for the removal of Serb forces, Singapore also believes that the Kosovar Albanians must provide a
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Humpback Whales Essays
Humpback Whales Essays Humpback Whales Essay Humpback Whales Essay General Description: A. Body Symmetry: Bilateral B. Particular Pigments or Color: Dark Grey with lighter underbelly ; fins and good lucks are gray and spotted with white C. Habitat: ( Zone ) Benthic and coastal ( Geographic ) : From Alaska to the Caribbean D. Specific Features: 1 ) Reproduction: Polygamous ; Seasonal engendering 2 ) Feeding Techniques: Filter feeders ; Bubble gauze. Ring of froth. Lunging. 3 ) Defense Techniques: Kyphosiss have few marauders other than worlds. and don’t have any defensive techniques. Some of the largest animate beings on Earth are the gentlest. The kyphosis giant is a leading illustration of gentle. with its diet. behaviour. and complete deficiency of natural marauders. Whales as a species are typically depicted as big animate beings. apprehensible with the smallest member of the species. the dwarf sperm giant. mensurating on mean 9 pess and weighing in at around 400 lbs. The kyphosis. nevertheless. is one of the largest giants. coming in merely behind the fin whale and bluish giants. Kyphosiss are anyplace from 48 to 63 pess long and weigh an norm of 40 dozenss. They’re recognizable by their big. dark gray organic structures with a hump shaped dorsal five and remarkably long white thoracic fives. The humpback’s genus name. Magaptera Novaengliae. means big-winged. New Englander because the largest settlement of giants was along the nor-east seashore of the United States in the Atlantic. But humpback giants are besides found immensely between California and Russia. They are migratory marine mammals. and frequently spend their summers in high latitude countries such as the Gulfs of Maine or Alaska. and so swim South to engender in the semitropical Waterss in the Dominican Republic and Hawaiian Islands. The kyphosis really holds the record for farthest migration of any mammal. The longest recorded migration was 5. 160 stat mis from Costa Rica to Antarctica by a cod of 7 giants. The big-winged New Englander’s diet consists of largely little beings even though they are such big animate beings. Kyphosiss belong to the subdivision of giants known as Mysticeti or baleen giants. Baleen giants do non hold dentitions. they have baleen which are teeth-like bristles that help the giant to filtrate little fish and crustaceans from the H2O for the giant to eat. Baleen giants like the kyphosis live on a diet of little fish. salmon. herring. krill. and other crustaceans. To counterbalance for its size. a humpback giant must intake about 3000 lbs of nutrient per twenty-four hours. Kyphosiss are really societal animals that travel in cods. and in order to acquire this much nutrient for the full cod. they hunt as a group. They don’t Hunt like toothed giants. but brutally assailing their quarry. but they will hurl at their quarry when the baffled beings are trapped in a elephantine bubble cyberspace. Bubble gauze is when a cod of giants swim around a school of fish and exhale through their blowholes. bring forthing bubbles. and frightening their quarry into a little ball by slapping their fins and making loud vocal sounds. Speaking of kyphosiss being really societal animate beings. they are besides extremely recognized by their impressive aerial shows across the surface of the H2O in malice of their huge weight. Breaching is a popular and well-known fast one of all giants. It is when a whale launches themselves above the H2O. frequently writhing in midair. and sprinkling back down on their sides. Scientists aren’t precisely certain why. but it is speculated that it could be an alternate method of communicating every bit good as an option to spyhopping. Spyhopping is when a giant swims vertically to the surface and exposes merely every bit much of their caput so as to hold their eyes above H2O in order to look into their milieus. This could really good be why tourist ships get so many exposures of giants transgressing. Other whale behaviours include slapping the H2O with its overtly big thoracic fives and belly-flipping. Belly-flipping is merely when a giant lies on its dorsum in the H2O and slaps the H2O with one fin at a clip. These behaviours have been seen during wooing and eating. Humpback giants are polygamous animate beings. with the males viing for sharply for oestrous females. Engendering takes topographic point in the winter and in tropical Waterss. The gestation period for kyphosiss is 11 to 12 months. but the female parent merely gives birth to one calf at a clip. The calf will remain by its mother’s side for 2 to 3 old ages. and make sexual adulthood at about 4 to 5 old ages old. Females typically produce offspring every 2 old ages but can deliver 2 calves in 3 old ages. Since the giants are mammals. the female gives birth to a unrecorded calf and so breastfeeds for approximately 5 months. Kyphosiss are non territorial. but calves are besides to be protected at all costs. Therefore. it makes sense that these soft giants are merely of all time non so soft when viing for a mate. and when they believe an outside giant poses a menace to the pod’s calves’ safety. In the cod. Escort giants may swim with a calf and its female parent. The Escort giant. ( most are male ) . may blow bubbles to make a screen’ when exterior kyphosiss get excessively near. They besides show aggression on juncture when boats and ships get excessively near. Such aggressive behaviour may include organic structure threshing. horizontal tail-lashing. and lobtailing. Lobtailing is fundamentally tail slapping. which can make a batch of harm sing the strength in the humpback’s big white and gray good lucks. By and large talking. cods are more aggressive than single giants. Humpback’s are possibly most well-known for their hauntingly beautiful and cryptic whale vocals. They are the lone giants that do so. and scientists have yet to decode what they mean. However. we are cognizant that their melodic whalesong are evidently agencies of pass oning to fellow giants. The vocals can last for over 20 proceedingss and go on for more than 24 hours per session. Male kyphosiss have besides been known to sing in order to pull couples. For a chilling century. kyphosis giants were high on the endangered species list. It is merely late that these graceful and soft giants have accumulated one time once more to a healthy population of at least 80. 000 giants. Economically. kyphosiss are fantastic tourer attractive forces for the coastal provinces as they’re the favourites of whale spectators. It is better that money is made from watching them than money being made for their meat. whalebone. tegument. and oil. every bit good as their very being.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Tips for Working on a College Group Project
Tips for Working on a College Group Project Group projects in college can be great experiences or nightmares. From other people not carrying their weight to waiting to the last minute, group projects can quickly turn into an unnecessarily large and ugly problem. By following the basic tips below, however, you can work to ensure that your group project leads to a great grade instead of a massive headache. Set Roles and Goals Early It may seem silly and basic, but setting roles and goals early will help out immensely as the project progresses. Specify who is doing what (research? writing? presenting?), with as much detail as possible and with dates and deadlines when appropriate. After all, knowing that one of your group members is going to complete part of the papers research wont do any good if he completes it after the project due date. Allow a Time Cushion at the End of Your Schedule Lets say the project is due on the 10th of the month. Aim to have everything done by the 5th or the 7th, just to be safe. After all, life happens: people get sick, files get lost, group members flake. Allowing for a little cushion will help prevent major stress (and a possible catastrophe) on the actual due date. Arrange for Periodic Check-ins and Updates You may be working your you-know-what off to finish your part of the project, but not everyone may be as diligent. Arrange to meet as a group every other week to update each other, discuss how the project is going, or even just work on things together. This way, everyone will know the group, as a whole, is on track before it becomes too late to fix the problem. Allow Time for Someone to Check the Final Project With so many people working on a project, things can often seem disconnected or confusing. Check in with a campus writing center, another group, your professor, or anyone else who may be helpful to review your final project before you turn it in. An extra set of eyes can be invaluable for a big project that will have an impact on so many peoples grades. Talk to Your Professor if Someone isnt Pitching In One negative aspect of doing group projects is the possibility that one member (or more!) is not pitching in to help the rest of the group. Although you may feel awkward about doing so, know that its OK to check in with your professor about whats happening (or not happening). You can do this midway through the project or at the end. Most professors will want to know and, if you check in midway through the project, they might be able to give you some advice about how to move forward.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
New Business Venture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
New Business Venture - Essay Example New Business Venture New product development therefore is one of the areas where the entrepreneurs actually have to look into the possibility of the looking into the analysis and identification of the social trends. Social trends provide a critical insight into the way the consumers in the given market. Some of the social trends which need to be explored in order to assess the probability of success for the introduction of the new products include different factors. In this given situation since the business is related with the food therefore they can different and variable factors affecting the choices of the Adam in terms of offering new products on the new menu. Since Adam is offering a menu which already offers products which are diverse, there can be different social trends which need to be explored in further details in order to successfully introduce new items on the menu, Some of the important social trends which can be added to the list in order to add items on the menu may be include: Demograph ics Understanding the demographic trends is one of the key elements in the launching of new products and services. Demographics include factors such as age, the distribution of different genders in the society, the overall population etc. For example, if the population is relatively young, it may be possible that they will be preferring more fast food rather than eating the traditional foods and if the overall ratio of population is aged, it may be quite possible that they will prefer to eat foods which are healthy and correspond to their life style. The overall growth rates in the population are also an important element to be explored in order to ensure that there will be sufficient demand for the product in the future. (Mellor, 2008). Culture Culture is an important element to be explored because it significantly influence the way people behave, act and relate themselves to certain trends in the society. Culture also outlines the overall orientation of the society towards eating out and overall attitude towards food. If it’s a culture in the society that most families tend to eat in-house, it may not be possible for the businesses to actually successfully launch new products.( Wang, 2009). It is also important to understand that the culture can play critical role in outlining the overall features of the product also. Since the existing menu suggest that Adam has taken care of the different cultural needs of the customers by offering Indian, Thai as well as other food, it is therefore important that Adam must take into consideration the overall influence of culture on the introduction of new product on the menu. Life Style Understanding life style is also another important factor which needs to be explored in order to understand as to what life style the consumers subscribe to. The lifestyle can include different factors such as family’s income and how they spend it, whether the family prefers to spend outside and in eating out as well as who m akes the spending decisions in the family. It is also important to note that the lifestyle also allow the entrepreneurs to further get an insight into how the overall changes in the lifestyle will actually affect the decision making process of the family as a whole. Health Consciousness Health consciousness can be another important social trend which Adam may need to consider in order
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Middle east studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Middle east studies - Essay Example ere still relatively fresh and had no experience, for this purpose these countries along with Palestine was brought into the reign and control through the colonial expansion (Anderson). It was during this era and span that the Jewish settlement took place and large number of immigrants started settling in, in these areas (Boger). This in turn led to the development of hatred between the two nations and ultimately multiple wars in long run in the form of 1948, 1967 and 1973 wars between the Arab world and Israel. This agreement regarding the Palestine’s future was reached through a mutual consent based accord between France and Great Britain. Great Britain at that time was at the zenith of its power and authority and under the wings and umbrella of common wealth, it had large number of regions as colonies. Iraq was another instance that fell under the system of Mandates being introduced in the post First World War scenario. It was around 1919 to 1921 when Great Britain formally took over it after the Ottoman Empire succumbed to the injuries and troubles it had long been tasted with through the entire part of 18th and 19th century. Iraqi forces had initially come up with a revolt and rebellion and had taken arms for this purpose. Finally succumbing to the force, a locally sued treaty was brought into it. It was done so through Anglo Iraq treaty that was signed towards the days when Ottoman empire had nearly collapsed (Mirza, p324) and was only away from formal burial in form of declaration by the Western powers. The next in line was Jordan. Jordan has had an important history in the affairs of Middle East politics. It was under the auspices of the British Empire for major part of the 20th century. It was only after 1946 when Jordan formally came into being as an independent state. Lebanon on other hand remained under the influence of France for greater part of the 20th century politics. Lebanon also remained part of the European influence and remained a colony
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Branding Essay Example for Free
Branding Essay Case Study 1: Transaction pricing in a recessionary economy Our client is an FMCG major that sells its products across many large and small retailers. The client is facing pressure from one such large retailer to cut prices across brands and categories. The client is therefore losing money on several products. Our client would like to use analytics to bring in some science into the pricing decision. Our analysis should help the client decide what pricing strategies should be applied to each product. How would you approach this analysis? The data available is weekly price and volume data for all client brands at the retailer for a period of 2 years. Case Study 2: Managing extreme seasonality Our brand is a high end lifestyle brand, famous globally. They however, face an issue of seasonal sales, with over 60% of their sales coming in the holiday period. They would like to understand how best to ensure sales in non seasonal periods as well and make the sales curve more even. Data available includes volume and values sales and usage and attitude studies. Case Study 3: NPD (own label) at a supermarket chain A leading supermarket chain wants to expand its limited portfolio of RTE food products. Transaction data for the past 1 year is available. How would you go about understanding the type of products to be introduced? What is the launch strategy for the products chosen? Case Study 4: Acquisition vs New product development A food major in the market with no chips brand in its portfolio. A decision has been made at the board level to either acquire an existing brand or launch a new one in this space. You are in charge of implementing this. 1. How will you take the decision on acquisition vs. new product development? Which metrics would you evaluate, what analysis would you perform what data would you require? 2. If you decide to acquire a brand, how would you choose among the existing brands? What info do you require on each brand to make this call? a. Any intangible factors that would influence your valuation of existing brands? In case you decide to launch a new brand, how would you go about it? How would you decide the desired new brand characteristics and the associated marketing mix? Case Study 5: Analyzing brand performance A chips brand has recently been launched, but its performance has not been too good. The large promotional investments put in have not yielded lasting returns. You are told to investigate what’s wrong with the brand. 1. What data would you request to complete your investigation in this case? 2. Can you talk about your analysis roadmap in this scenario? What possible corrective actions would you suggest (you are free to make relevant assumptions on the diagnosis)? Case Study 6: Heritage brand with stagnating growth A very old chips brand (kind of like a heritage brand) is faced with stagnating growth. It continues to perform reasonably well on key equity parameters, and there is no decline compared to previous years. 1. How do you read the situation? What data would you require to make an accurate diagnosis of the issue? What are the potential corrective actions you would suggest? How would you decide between the various options?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Batman: Through the Years Essays -- Media Fiction Super Heroes Papers
Batman: Through the Years The Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne, these are all aliases for an enigmatic character in popular culture most commonly known as Batman. While having his humble origins in the pulp magazines of the late 1930’s, over the span of his existence, he has expanded into a full-blown franchise. There have been 3 TV shows on him, 4 movies (1 more still in the making), various videogames, and over 20 comic book series that currently feature his name. Even after 60 years of being in print, it was a Batman issue that was the highest selling comic book of the last week of November, 2004. It is the aim of this project to explore the reasons why this one particular comic book superhero has managed to keep his relevance where so many others have faltered, with a focused look into how Batman artwork has changed over the sixty years of his existence. Who is Batman to you? Almost everybody knows something about Batman, from my Sunday school teacher (who confiscated my Batman comic book calling him ‘devilish’ and ‘violent’) to my little cousins who play the new Batman videogame incessantly. What many people fail to realize though is that the character of Batman has always been evolving, always being modified to fit the purposes of both the medium and the audience. Take for example the Batman television series that lasted from 1966 till 1968. Adam West as Batman, a little lumpy in his Batsuit, would fight crime accompanied by his faithful sidekick, Robin (Burt Ward). They would awkwardly beat up their enemies, (Listen to the classic soundtrack)accompanied by the classic POW! BIFF! WHAM! sound effects and use goofy phrases like, â€Å"†¦if two plus two equals four†¦Quick Robin, to the Batmobile!†In all t... ...ewer is interested in; Bruce Wayne is an after thought. But with a movie, the viewer is forced to see the Bruce Wayne character and on a sub-conscious level is forced to connect that character with the traits one already has of the actor from previous experience, which reduces the mystery of the Batman character. Concluding Thoughts: While the Batman character grown into an international franchise, many of his fellow superhero peers have fallen by the proverbial road side. Riding on his mysterious and dark persona, he is one of the most famous fictional characters of modern times. It is a unique blend of super-hero fantasy and realism that has allowed him to be accepted by such a wide audience, and it is to the credit of his producers that they have been able to mould the character the character to fit their needs while capitalizing on the character’s essence.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Advantages of Human Genetic Engineering Essay
Genetic engineering in its present form has been around for approximately twenty five years. The dictionary defines human genetic engineering as the alteration of an individual’s genotype with the aim of choosing the phenotype of a newborn or changing the existing phenotype of a child or adult. There are many social consequences that are associated with genetic engineering which has caused much debate from its beginning in 1970s. The benefits of human genetic engineering are endless, the most predominant advantages include curing genetic diseases, increasing human immunity, and the production of more effective pharmaceuticals. The most promising benefit of human genetic engineering is gene therapy. Gene therapy is the medical treatment of a disease by repairing or replacing defective genes or introducing therapeutic genes to fight the disease. Over the past ten years, certain autoimmune diseases – diseases resulting from a disordered immune system reaction – and heart disease have been treated with gene therapy. Many diseases, such as Huntington’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, or. ALS, and cystic fibrosis are caused by a defective gene. The hope is that soon, through genetic engineering, a cure can be found for these diseases by either inserting a corrected gene, modifying the defective gene, or even performing genetic surgery. Eventually the hope is to completely eliminate certain genetic diseases as well as treat non-genetic diseases with an appropriate gene therapy. Gene therapy researchers are also studying ways to improve a patient’s immune response to cancer. In this approach, the treatment is used to stimulate the body’s natural ability to attack cancer cells. In one method, researchers take a small blood sample from a patient and insert genes that will cause each cell to produce a protein called a T-cell receptor, or TCR, which is responsible for recognizing antigens and disease fighting antibodies. The genes are transferred into the patient’s white blood cells and are then given back to the patient. In the body the TCRs then recognize and attach to certain molecules found on the surface of the tumor cells. Finally, the TCRs activate the white blood cells to attack and kill the tumor cells. Scientists are also investigating the insertion of genes into cancer cells to make them more sensitive to chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or other treatments. In other studies, researchers remove healthy blood-forming stem cells from the body, insert a gene that makes these cells more resistant to the side effects of high doses of anticancer drugs, and then inject the cells back into the patient. Human genetic engineering can also be used as a disease preventative by increasing ones immunity. People infected with a serious illness may not show symptoms of the disease for long periods of time. These latent, or inactive, infections can develop into an active disease without warning and also can be passed on to others. This new approach focuses on controlling or stimulating the immune system to cure latent infections and prevent them from causing disease. This research in immunity has the potential to significantly reduce illness, death, and disease transmission. An example of this preventative application is the improvement in the treatment of HIV. The AIDS/HIV disease is a viral infection that destroys immune responses. The disease can be treated with drugs, however these drugs do not eliminate the virus from the body. Currently a patient must remain on these drugs for the remainder of their life. The purpose of genetic engineering’s pre-clinical studies is to advance towards clinical trials with a cell-based method of enhancing the patient’s own immune response against the virus. This approach involves identifying anti-HIV receptors that will be introduced into the patient’s own blood-forming stem cells. This approach has the potential to provide long-term immune control of virus replication, and may require only one or a few administrations. Another benefit from the study of human gene altering is with the creation of new drugs. Pharmaceutical advances in genetic engineering have made it possible to use plants as factories for protein production. Plant-made pharmaceuticals are made by inserting a segment of DNA that encodes the protein of choice into plant cells. The plants or plant cells are essentially factories used to produce the desired proteins and are only grown for the purpose of human pharmaceuticals. An example of this pharmaceutical application is gene splicing, one of the earliest uses of genetic engineering. Gene splicing was first used to manufacture large amounts of insulin, which was made using cells of E. coli bacteria. Interferon, which is used to eliminate certain viruses and kill cancer cells, is also a product of genetic engineering. Another byproduct is a type of human growth hormone; it’s used to treat dwarfism and is produced through genetically engineered bacteria and yeasts. Today, research in the field of human genetic engineering continues to be used in the production of a variety of drugs and hormones for medical advantages. Human genetic engineering – the application of scientific methods, procedures, and technologies that allow manipulation of genetic material in order to alter the hereditary traits – is a topic that had been debated about for many years. The field of human genetic engineering is growing and changing at a tremendous pace. Future advance in genetic engineering could possibly eliminate diseases, deformities, prolong life, and overall improve human life.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Economics: Portfolio Theory Essay
Sometime during the 1980s, investors on the whole concluded that internationally diversified portfolios produced the best risk-adjusted returns, and that it was possible to identify and trade in a sufficient number of international stocks to make this conclusion a reality. Indeed, performance could also be enhanced by investing in a well-selected mix of stocks from other economies. The lasting benefit of all of international investing, however, depended on a key tenant of modern portfolio theory-that overall portfolio risk was lowered through diversification into noncorrelated investments-which has been shown especially to apply to international investments. The key (to the theory) is the lack of correlation between most foreign markets and one’s own. In a perfectly integrated market, on the other hand, the correlation between markets would be quite high and there could be no gain from diversification per se. Harry Markowitz, along with Merton Miller and William Sharpe, won the economics Nobel Prize in 1990 for his â€Å"pioneering work in the theory of financial economics. †Markowitz has applied computer and mathematical techniques to various practical decision-making areas. He is often referred to as the father of modern portfolio theory (MPT). This is based on his contributions to portfolio theory first in the article â€Å"Portfolio Selection, †published in the Journal of Finance in 1952, and then in his book, Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments, first published in 1959. Between these two publications and since the publication of the book, Markowitz has made many other contributions using mathematical programming and computer modeling techniques to address realworld problems to aid in decisionmaking. He got the Nobel Prize for the development of the theory of portfolio choice and contributions to the theory of price formation for financial assets, the so-called Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAMP). Becoming an economist was not a childhood dream of Harry Markowitz. His first two years at the University of Chicago were spent emphasizing the reading of original material where possible. Here again, he was especially interested in the philosophers. When it was time to choose his upper-division major at the University of Chicago, after some consideration. He first went through the basics of macroeconomics, which is the big picture of the economy of a country and its governance. Then he went through microeconomics, which is the economics of individual economic units of business. After going through these basics, he found his true love, the economics of uncertainty. The concepts of expected utility, personal probability, efficiency, and efficient sets, as taught by the outstanding faculty at Chicago, inspired him to pursue his later works. Harry Markowitz tells the story of how he stumbled up on his dissertation topic in the Personal Notes section of the third printing of his first book, The Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments. He was a student in the economics department of the University of Chicago and a research fellow of the Cowles Commission. He was sitting outside Jacob Marschak’s office waiting for the opportunity to discuss suggestions for his Ph. D. dissertation topic. An older man also was waiting outside the Marschak’s office and they began talking. The other man identified himself as a stockbroker and suggested that Markowitz should consider doing a dissertation on the stock market. When he later spoke to Marschak about the idea, he agreed that it was reasonable. Markowitz recalled that Alfred Cowles, the founder of the Cowles Commission, had done work in that area. Markowitz was sent to Marshall Ketchum in the Business School to get a reading list so that he could understand the theories on stock investments as revealed in the literature. The basic concepts of portfolio theory came to him one afternoon in the library while reading John Burr Williams’ The Theory of Investment Value. The dissertation that resulted provided the underpinnings of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). In reviewing Williams’ work, as referred to above, Markowitz noted that he recommended that a stock be valued by finding the present value of its future dividends. His treatment of risk involved finding a large number of securities with maximum present value and divide funds among them. This treatment provided no measure of individual securities nor of the resulting portfolio. Markowitz provided the methodology for eliminating that shortcoming. His approach was to use expected return as the positive attribute of a security and the variability of the possible returns around its expected return as a measure of risk or uncertainty, the negative attribute of the security. This provided the missing risk measure for individual securities. However, the problem of the portfolio of securities also needed to be addressed. The question was, when securities are mixed into a portfolio, how will the expected return and the risk measure of the portfolio be determined? This is the next contribution that Markowitz provided in his portfolio theory. The third ingredient needed to put the securities together in a portfolio was a methodology for handling the interaction of the respective variabilities of individual securities when mixed together in a portfolio. Quantification of this key element had been missing in investment theory up to this point. A couple of simple examples to help understand this problem follow. First, visualize taking two securities that have identical variability of returns over time. If we mix these together in a portfolio, the portfolio will look just like the two individual securities looked separately. The result is that we have not diversified away any rise by building that portfolio. Now, think about taking two securities that move in opposite directions in their variability of returns over time. As time passes, the portfolio variability of return will be less than the individual securities variability of returns because of the canceling out of the variability of one security’s deviations by an opposite deviation from the other security. These are two extreme examples to illustrate the concept of diversification. In the real world, we usually have something in between these two extreme examples, but some risk reduction can be achieved by diversification. Accordingly, the portfolio’s risk could be less than any of the individual securities included in the portfolio. A measure of this interaction between securities’ variability is called the correlation of returns variability. The next large contribution provided by Markowitz was that he was able to demonstrate mathematically that given a group of individual securities with their measures of expected returns, individual variabilities, and the correlations of their variability with the variability of each of the other securities, one could determine an efficient set of portfolios of those securities. This efficient set is the set of portfolios that have the highest expected return for any level of portfolio risk. Alternatively, it can be said that this efficient set is the set of portfolios that have the lowest portfolio risk for any level of expected return feasible with those securities. This is the cornerstone of Modern Portfolio Theory. Every textbook on investments used by colleges and universities all over the world includes the Markowitz MPT concepts. In his book, Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments, he also introduced the concept of a one-factor model. This model would reduce greatly the number of measures of correlations needed to determine portfolio risk. During the 1950s, Markowitz, along with others, decided that many practical business problems were beyond analytic solution. This implied that simulation techniques were required. One of the problems with simulation models is the amount of time required to program a detailed simulator. This is the problem that he attacked in his work on SIMSCRIPT. It allowed the programmer to describe the system to be simulated rather than describing the detailed steps the computer must take to accomplish the simulation. SIMSCRIPT, would then take the system description provided by the programmer and translate it into detailed computer actions necessary. This provided a very large time savings in putting together simulation models for many kinds of business situations. Between the two books on SIMSCRIPT Markowitz, with others, published another book on economy-wide production capabilities in 1963. This book is Studies in Process Analysis: Economy-wide Production Capabilities. Later, in 1967, this book was published in Russian.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Fiend Like Is Lady Macbeth Essay Example
How Fiend Like Is Lady Macbeth Essay Example How Fiend Like Is Lady Macbeth Paper How Fiend Like Is Lady Macbeth Paper Lady Macbeth is called a â€Å"fiend-like Queen†. How far do you consider this to be an accurate description? Shakespeare reflects the beliefs of his age. People believed in a natural hierarchy in the 17th century often called the ‘great chain of being’. This says that God is at the top, angels beneath God, beneath angels there are humans, men above women. There was a similar hierarchy for society. This stated that the King would rule the country, men would rule women et cetera. It was seen to be sinful and unnatural for a woman to rule a man. In the play Lady Macbeth turns the order of the hierarchy as she seems to be the one ruling over Macbeth. It is not just Lady Macbeth who doesn’t fit into the hierarchy, the witches also do not fit into it because they can neither be classified as men or women because they have female characteristics but also have beards. Lady Macbeth is seen as a ‘fiend-like Queen’ because she plans the death of Duncan. In the 17th century it was ultimate evil to kill a king because people believed the king was chosen by God. When Lady Macbeth reads the letter by Macbeth she instantly decides that she will make Macbeth kill the king in order for the prophecy to come true. â€Å"That I may pour my spirits in thine ear†, Lady Macbeth says that she will try to influence Macbeth with evil thoughts, example given, death of Duncan so that he can become king because she knows that Macbeth will not do it without being influenced because of his nature. Throughout the play Lady Macbeth is in control and tells Macbeth what to do. She manipulates Macbeth and questions him about his manhood when he decides it isn’t right to do something. Macbeth: If we should fail? Lady Macbeth: We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking-place, And we’ll not fail. She manipulates Macbeth into going through and murdering Duncan even though he had second thoughts. She knows that Macbeth’s manhood is central to his sense of his own identity so she questions it because she knows that in order to prove that he is a man he will do what she says. And live a coward in thine own esteem. Also she manipulates Macbeth because she knows that he won’t do anything due to his nature. When Lady Macbeth read the letter Macbeth sent her about the prophecies she knew that it was important for Duncan to be dead. Even though Lady Macbeth hasn’t met the witches at all she responds to the witches’ prophecy which was that Macbeth would be king. â€Å"Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts! Unsex me here, Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood, Stop the access and passage to remorse†Lady Macbeth calls on the spirits of darkness and say to make her unwomanly. She uses phrases which are associated with women, â€Å"my milk†and says to turn it into â€Å"gall†this makes her unwomanly and therefore she doesn’t fit any category because she isn’t a man yet she won’t have any characteristics of a woman, she becomes almost like a witch because they also do not fit into any category and also witches are evil and she is calling upon evil to do this. She also says â€Å"Unsex me here†which means to take away all her feminine qualities again making her. She isn’t a â€Å"fiend-like queen†because she can’t hide what she feels when she sees Duncan’s dead body. She faints as soon as the people start asking Macbeth questions this making it easier for Macbeth and drawing attention away form himself because they can tell something is wrong. This is ironic in a way because the night when they were killing Duncan she wasn’t concerned at all but now she pretends to. If Lady Macbeth was really fiend-like then she would show no regret and have no conscience. At the beginning of the play after Duncan’s death, Lady Macbeth seems to be coping but after a while she cannot pretend that everything is all right and starts to give up acting. Lady Macbeth can no longer pretend and has to admit her feminine nature which is to be emotional and be affected by what she made Macbeth do. She had said for there to be dark when the evil deed was done, now Lady Macbeth has got to keep a light by her side â€Å"She has a light by her continually, ’tis her command†. This shows that now she is afraid of the dark as she had asked for there to be dark so that heaven couldn’t see what she was doing. She becomes driven made by guilt by the end of play. At the beginning she is calm and in control of everything she does. She starts sleepwalking and all she thinks about is the death of Duncan. Yet heres a spot †¦ Out, damned spot! Out, I say! †¦ What, will these hands neer be clean? †¦ Heres the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes Of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Lady Macbeth is no longer in control of what she does. She is paying the price. This eventually becomes too much for her to handle and commits suicide. If she was really fiend-like her conscious wouldn’t come back and haunt her. When Lady Macbeth dies Macbeth doesn’t mourn for her. â€Å"She should have dies hereafter; there would have been a time for such a word†. He doesn’t care that she’s dead he would’ve preferred if she dies later on. Lady Macbeth damned herself for Macbeth and now he doesn’t care. After Duncan’s death they became distant. Macbeth wouldn’t tell her about what he was planning to do. Also whatever Lady Macbeth asked to happened to her has happened to Macbeth. She asked for her to be fearless and now Macbeth has become fearless just like a warrior. On the battlefield he was always fearless. Over the years, the fear of being discovered gradually strips Macbeth of the ability to have any human emotions. He becomes a full knight, not just brave: but ruthless; not just bold, but cruel; not just ambitions, but stripped of all meaning or motive to hang on power. In my opinion I don’t think that Lady Macbeth is fiend-like because if you are fiend-like then you would have no emotions or guilt and Lady Macbeth does show this at the end of the play unlike her husband who doesn’t really care anymore. Also whilst planning Duncan’s death she says â€Å"Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t. †She still couldn’t bring herself to kill Duncan even though she had called on the evil spirits to help her do this because Duncan reminds her of her father when he sleeps.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Facts About Muscle Tissue
Facts About Muscle Tissue Muscle tissue is made of excitable cells that are capable of contraction. Of all the different tissue types (muscle, epithelial, connective, and nervous), muscle tissue is the most abundant tissue in most animals, including in humans. Muscle Tissue Types Muscle tissue contains numerous microfilaments composed of the contractile proteins actin and myosin. These proteins are responsible for movement in muscles. The three major types of muscle tissue are: Cardiac Muscle: Cardiac muscle is so named because it is found in the heart. Cells are joined to one another by intercalated discs, which allow the synchronization of the heartbeat. Cardiac muscle is branched, striated muscle. The heart wall consists of three layers: epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium. Myocardium is the middle muscular layer of the heart. Myocardial muscle fibers carry electrical impulses through the heart that power cardiac conduction. Skeletal Muscle: Skeletal muscle, which is attached to the bones by tendons, is controlled by the peripheral nervous system and associated with the bodys voluntary movements. Skeletal muscle is striated muscle. Unlike cardiac muscle, the cells are not branched. Skeletal muscle cells are covered by connective tissue, which protects and supports muscle fiber bundles. Blood vessels and nerves run through the connective tissue, supplying muscle cells with oxygen and nerve impulses that allow for muscle contraction. Skeletal muscle is organized into several muscle groups that work in coordination to perform body movements. Some of these groupings include head and neck muscles (facial expressions, chewing, and neck movement), trunk muscles (moving the chest, back, abdomen, and vertebral column), upper extremity muscles (moving the shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers), and lower extremity muscles (moving the legs, ankles, feet, and toes). Visceral (Smooth) Muscle: Visceral muscle is found in various parts of the body including the blood vessels, the bladder, and the digestive tract as well as in many other hollow organs. Like cardiac muscle, most visceral muscle is regulated by the autonomic nervous system and is under involuntary control. Visceral muscle is also called smooth muscle because it doesnt have cross striations. Visceral muscle contracts slower than skeletal muscle, but the contraction can be sustained over a longer period of time. Organs of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems are lined with smooth muscle. This muscle can be described as rhythmic or tonic. Rhythmic, or phasic, smooth muscle contracts periodically and spends most of the time in a relaxed state. Tonic smooth muscle remains contracted for the majority of the time and only relaxes periodically. Other Facts About Muscle Tissue Adults have a certain number of muscle cells. Through exercise, such as weight lifting, the cells enlarge but the overall number of cells does not increase. Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles because we have control over their contraction. Our brains control skeletal muscle movement. However, reflex reactions of skeletal muscle are an exception. These are involuntary reactions to external stimuli. Visceral muscles are involuntary because, for the most part, they are not consciously controlled. Smooth and cardiac muscles are under the control of the peripheral nervous system.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Business enviornment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Business enviornment - Assignment Example Among the others factors that may impact the way business runs its activities is the external environment, which elements can manipulate company’s marketing and thus require the organization to make adjustments and revisions of its strategy and vision. It is known that customers are among those external elements that are able to influence the business the most and thus the company should know that good relationship with clients is based on finding ways to influence them to purchase one’s products. Besides, such political or legal forces that the government regulations develop play an important role in the cost of business doing and its ability to enlarge its activities in new markets. New regulations can increase one’s unit costs and thus affect company’s profit margins. Besides, for the organizations that act internationally, the laws of the other countries create certain obstacles for the companies in their ability to bring product into foreign markets. Among the other factors of external environment that influence the company’s performance are the economic factors that determine how market products and how much money one can spend on certain business growth. The public perception is also an important factor that can help the company to prosper or ruin its image at once. However, it is also up to company to commit such an influence on public opinion by using public relations professionals and strategic information, monitoring of public opinion in order to try and smooth potential issues. One of the best known tools that enable the company to analyze the factors that influence its activities the most, is the PESTLE analysis. It is used to identify and analyze the key drivers in the business environment. The factors that may put an impact of one’s business activity go for political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors and they should researched and brainstormed by each organization in order to
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