Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The And The Mosaic Law - 4038 Words
Churches today have about the same level of knowledge as the Jews and Gentiles when Tertius penned the words spoken by Paul to Rome. Dominations around the Globe live within a division about the purpose of the Mosaic Law. One domination feels that the Mosaic Law has superior presidencies over the Church that requires strict adherence in order to have righteousness to live a Godly life. While the other dominations feel since Christ has fulfilled the Law (Romans 10:4 KJV), the Mosaic Law pertains nothing to them or their actions as a Christian. Paul directly tells the Jews and Gentiles they have miss interrupted the Mosaic Law; that the Mosaic Law truly reveals that not one person is righteous before the Lord; therefore must seek salvation†¦show more content†¦For the Law is not sufficiently convicting Israel of her sinfulness and sadly this applies to Gentiles as well.†For the Jewish Nation has restest in the law, allowing the Jews to boast about a freedom from judgement as Gods’ elect. Therefore, considering themselves confident to guide the blind and be as a light to them that are in the darkness. (Romans 2:17-23 KJV) Paul uses the key word â€Å"restest†as one being slothful; fat, to describe Israel’s lack of understanding the Laws purpose and for not observing the Law. Paul continues argueing with a Jewish interlocutor who is questioning the fact that Paul has mentioned one circumcised has no profit if the circumcised still breaks the law. For there is no difference between circumcision and uncircumcision in Gods’ eyes; however, those that have been circumcised have through the Covenant of Abraham have been entrusted with the oracles (Law) of God. (Romans3:2 KJV) Nevertheless, if one circumcised breaks the law, that person is now uncircumcised. Yet if the uncircumcised still retains their righteousness of the Law, is his uncircumcision will be it counted as circumcision according to the Law? Paul was calling the kettle black with the Jewish interlocutor. Here again Paul refutes the interlocutor that it is not just the Gentiles that have sinned; however all of humanityShow MoreRelatedMosaic Dietary Laws4763 Words  | 20 PagesMosaic Dietary Laws By Bryan Leinweber October 31, 2003 Introduction The Mosaic dietary laws, the laws imposed by the directives of Moses on the Israelites, extended from earlier restrictions that had been placed on the eating habits of the human race. The Old Testament is full of directives regarding food consumption and Gods law, and even Genesis addresses limitations imposed on certain types of food consumption. Primarily, the restrictions placed on the consumption of certain typesRead MoreThe New Covenant Of The Mosaic Law933 Words  | 4 Pagesconclusion that the law, all parts of it are abolished, or done away with - particularly, the New Covenant Theologians (NCT). The NCT view the entire Mosaic Law as being done away with in favor of the Law of Christ. 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Christians, there is not a need to be fearful of the Thessalonians. I say this for many reasons beyond my own opinions or thoughts, but on facts of the account
Monday, December 16, 2019
Edgar Allan Poe Free Essays
Mysterious Death of a Mystery Man Death is an instance in which all vitals of the body have shut down, when life no longer remains in the body, and when something is declared dead. But, there is always something that causes this death whether old age, illness, tragedy, accidents, or suicide. In some cases, the cause of death is known soon after the passing or even before they have passed. We will write a custom essay sample on Edgar Allan Poe or any similar topic only for you Order Now In other cases, it takes quite some time to figure out exactly why life was lost. Then, there are those very few occasions that no exact cause is known and many assumptions are thrown around naming phony reasons of the death, when in the end, it will always be a mystery. This is exactly what has been done with the death of Edgar Allan Poe. Many have come up with different assumptions and accusations of Poe’s death, but none have been claimed to be the absolute positive explanation of it. John S. Craig writes, â€Å"His death in Baltimore, Maryland, October 7, 1849 has been surrounded by mystery form the very moment he was found unconscious in a Baltimore tavern a few days before he died in a hospital†( ? . A few of the hypotheses are that Poe was an alcoholic, whose drinking led to his death, had medical problems and diseases that eventually caused his passing, and the Cooping Theory, which ended in him being severely beaten which led to his death a few days later. Poe’s death is a mystery that will never be completely solved. Poe’s dea th could have occurred through some sort of alcoholism. Different forms of disaster, stress, and depression drove Poe to drink. During Virginia’s, Poe’s wife, long battle with different illnesses, Poe began to drink quite a bit to help cope with the stress that evolved from this tragedy. Madhavi Ghare writes, â€Å"On October 3, 1849, Edgar Allan Poe was found drunk and unconscious on the streets of Baltimore, in someone else’s clothes. He was taken to the Washington College Hospital, where he died four days later on October 7, 1849†( ? ). One theory of Poe’s alcoholism is that he had a rare medical condition where simply one or two drinks could have a devastating outcome towards him immune system making it seem like he has had way more. This was also backed by Poe telling his wife, friends, and others who asked how many drinks he had, that he had only drank one or two. The problem with this statement is that we do not know if Poe was telling the truth or hiding the fact that he had been excessively drinking all night. Alcohol might or might not have played a role in Poe’s death; it is a mystery we will never know the answer too. Another circumstance in which Poe could have died is from different illnesses and diseases. Back in the time Poe was alive, medical treatment and diagnosis was still at a low level. Even if one was said to have a certain illness, a treatment to heal was most likely still unknown. Poe was thought to have many diseases and illnesses including lesions on the brain, heart disease, cholera, excessive nervous prostration, loss of nerve power, enzyme disorder, tuberculosis, epilepsy, diabetes, rabies, and hydrophobia. One of the diseases that made most sense for him to have was rabies. R. Michael Benitez writes, â€Å"Poe was a well-known animal lover and was especially fond of cats, which can transmit the rabies virus. There was no record of an animal bite preceding Poe’s ailment, but the illness can take more than a year to surface†( ? ). Even though Poe might not have had a bite mark on him at the hospital, the incident in which the rabies was transferred could have been up to a year before then. Poe was thought to have many different illnesses and diseases which could have easily taken his life from him. One possible circumstance that could have resulted in Poe’s death is the Cooping Theory. The Cooping Theory is when on election day, gangs use to kidnap bystanders and hold them hostage in a room, known as the â€Å"coop,†and make them go to the poll and vote over and over again for who the gang wanted to win the election. The gangs would beat the people and get them drunk to ensure they cooperated. CW Fisher writes, â€Å"Beatings became more frequent and severe as the day wore on, partly to keep the voters awake and motivated, and partly to ensure loss of memory†( ? ). The gangs would make the people to change clothes so the poll workers would not recognize them and let them vote again. When Poe was found on a bench, he was near poll called Ryan’s Fourth Ward Polls. This poll served as a bar and voting poll. Poe was drunk and he was not wearing his own clothes. This evidence leads towards the assumption that Poe’s death evolved from the Cooping Theory. Poe’s death has many explanations and assumptions that will never be solved. Poe’s death can range from him drinking himself to death, dying from different illnesses such as rabies, tuberculosis, diabetes, cholera, heart disease, brain disease, or him being a victim of the Cooping Theory, which forced him to drink excessively and be beaten multiple times by gangs at election polls. It is a mystery. Poe wrote many mysterious stories himself including â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum,†â€Å"The Purloined Letter,†â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,†and â€Å"A Descent into Maelstrom. †It is ironic that his death is a mystery itself. Elizabeth Flock writes, â€Å"Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories are filled with cryptic death scenes, so it was only fitting that the master of the macabre would meet a similarly mysterious end†( ? ). Flock makes it seem as though it was Poe’s fate for his death to remain a mystery, and remain a mystery, it has. Works Cited Page Craig, John S. The Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe’s Death. 7 Jan. 2009. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. ?http://voices. yahoo. com/the-mystery-edgar-allan-poes-death-2463818. html? cat=38? Ghare, Madhavie. Edgar Allan Poe Biography. 10 Oct. 2012. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. ?http://www. buzzle. com/articles/edgar-allan-poe-biography. tml? Benitez, R. Michael. Did Rabies Fell Edgar Allan Poe?. 2 Nov. 1996. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. ?http://www. cswnet. com/~erin/eap3. htm? Fisher, CW. The Murders of Edgar Allan Poe. 5 May 2005. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. ?http://depressionalmanac. blogspot. com/2005/05/murders-of-edgar-allan-poe. html? Flock, Elizabeth. Edgar Allan Poe died 162 years ago, yet the mystery of his death has not been solved. 7 Oct. 2011. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. ?http://www. washingtonpost. com/blogs/blogpost/post/edgar-allen-poe-died-162-years-ago-yet-the-mystery-of-his-death-has-not-been-solved/2011/10/07/gIQAFVsVTL_blog. html? How to cite Edgar Allan Poe, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Cognitive Social Development Occur Children-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Cognitive Social Development Occur Children? Answer: Introducation It is a global fact that early childhood development- provided for in the UN Sustainable Development goals- lays down human developments foundations (Britto et al., 2017). As a consequence, different aspects of childhood development are influenced differently by factors privy to the phenomenon, leading to certain developmental disparities. Particularly, in 2-5-year-olds, a certain form of deprivation may impact a developmental domain or function. Consider the case of 3-year-old Jack. His mothers fear emanates from suspecting a denial of some sort. Development in children encompasses multiple areas. However, two are discussed here. On the one hand, theres cognitive development while on the other hand, social development. The above will be accompanied by an understanding of a couple of development theories, factors that influence the development and the relevance of understanding development to midwifery and nursing. According to the California Department of Education, cognitive development entails growth and change processes in the mental abilities- how they think, understand, and reason, in the process, acquire and consolidate knowledge- of a child ("Cognitive Development Domain - Child Development (CA Dept of Education)", n.d.). An example of cognitive development in two to five-year-olds include memory abilities in that the children portray information or experience acquisition, storage, and recall over a period. More so, through the capacity to remember 2-5-year-olds can establish differences in people or objects, learn a language, articulate the rules of social interaction and take part in personal care routines such as relieving themselves. Also, symbol use in 3-5-year-old is associated with cognitive development (Bjorklund and Causey, 2017). Social development refers to the process of learning values, knowledge, and skills that enhance childrens effective relations to others and contributions towards the same. It involves passage of learning both directly and indirectly (Mooney, 2013). For example, the passage could be through care providers or by social relationships. Examples of social development include language development. It enhances the childs peers as interaction with them provides a child with the opportunity to practice and learn the skills related to the use of speech and language. Even more, 2-5-year-olds show more interest in others. The likely indicators of this level development are initiation or joining play with others and toy sharing(Mooney, 2013). Ericksons theory of psychosocial theory of development classifies this as the third stage a person undergoes in an entire life cycle. There are various theories that time and time again have been used to provide insight into the important aspects of cognitive and social development occurring in children at certain ages. Further, these theories inform on the factors that might be at play during development. For instance, Lev Vygotskys theory of cognitive development posited that the transformation and internalization of information from the outside world occurred through language (Leech, 2015). Language, according to the theory is discovered through play. Language development and how a child understands the outside world is in largely influenced by play. Thus, 3-year-old Jack could be lagging behind in skill mastery and speech development due to a lack of enough players. Additionally,Vygotsky put forth that the interactive nature of play developed cognition arguing that social development must take place first. Another theory, UrieBronfenbrenners ecological systems theory provides anexplanation as to how growth and development are influenced by the childs environment and the child. Labeled in theory are the aspects of the environment that influence developments. These are the microsystem, microsystem, mesosystem, and ecosystem. These could be at play hence explaining the concerns put forth by Jacks mom. The referral made by Child and Family health nurse to an informal environment is all geared to addressing the factors outlined by Bronfenbrenners theory. Besides, the zone of proximal development is illustrated by the distance that exist between the real level of development in independent problem-solving and the potential development level determined under guidance of adults or collaboration of peers. Such a mechanism represents Vygotsky ideas as an effective way of interacting with peers in the promotion of strategies and development of skills, like teachers can utilize the approach in the enhancing learning process among students. Cognitive and social development is influenced by a number of factors Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory- briefly outlined above- classifies the factors into four major categories: microsystem, microsystem, mesosystem, and ecosystem. The ecosystem, comprising of factors such as interactions with other people influences development in a number of ways, also explaining why Jacks case is as his mother explains. Parents, whether known to them or not, play an important role in teaching cognitive skills, Britto et al. (2017) reiterates this fact. The feat is achieved through taking part in parent-child discussions and taking up the role model role. In effect, the childs major cognitive skills are enhanced. These are self-control, problem-solving and critical thinking (Britto et al., 2017). Ideally, in relation to parenting practices push children towards using their brains. Similarly, parenting practices influence social development by affecting their social functioning. Particularl y, Joseph John (2008) explain that a childs individuality, self-assertion and self-regulation are enhanced by a parents support of the childs demands and needs. Jacks lag in skill mastery and speech development can be accounted for by this factor. According to the study, languages, traditions, beliefs values and behaviors, that constitute culture, influence perception of self among children and what they view as important (Weisner, 2014). The relevance of understanding this life stage to nurse and midwifery practice is as follows. For instance, the approach provides expert advice to parents who express concern with their childs level of development as compared to their peers (Barnes et al., 2015). Jack case is an example. Upon consulting the Child and Family Health Nurse, she is not only reassured that Jack would meet all mile stones, but she is referred to a womens group that will help in discussing the strategies that will enable Jack to gain continence and further speech development. Two, as outlined by Barnes et al. (2015), understanding the life stage allows nurses and midwives give anticipatory guidance with appropriate timing. Giving information too early is not recommended as it might be forgotten when needed, and too late is not appropriate either it is possible the primary care giver might have overlooked an issue or addressed it in a way that does not suffice the need of the parent. Three, Huang et al., (20 11) states that a nurses primary focus in pediatric care is adetermination of the level of developmental period of a child as a result, able to judge whether a child is normal for a particular stage of development. Without knowledge of cognitive and social development, a nurse will not be able to answer questions dealt by the parents regarding normalcy of certain behaviors noted by the parent. In conclusion, understanding the important aspects of thedevelopment of children in certain age brackets is important since certain signals, affiliated to the developmental period of a child, will inform of the growth and development of the child. Close observation and fulfillment of a childs needs by providing an appropriate environment. Importantly, nursing and midwifery areexists to provide parents with appropriate information at a particular stage. Thus, understanding life stages is imperative as the theories of developments and the examples that institute a certain developmental aspect is not known to many. References Bjorklund, D. F., Causey, K. B. (2017). Children's thinking: Cognitive development and individual differences. SAGE Publications. Britto, P. R., Lye, S. J., Proulx, K., Yousafzai, A. K., Matthews, S. G., Vaivada, T., ... MacMillan, H. (2017). Nurturing care: promoting early childhood development. The Lancet, 389(10064), 91-102. Cognitive Development Domain - Child Development (CA Dept of Education). Cde.ca.gov. Retrieved 26 July 2017, from https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/itf09cogdev.asp Huang, L. C., Sun, S. H., Li, R. H., Chang, F. U., Cheng, J. F., Chen, L. L. (2011). Pediatric nurses: cognition of young child development and attitudes and behaviors toward developmental care. Hu li zazhiThe journal of nursing, 58(3), 53-63. Joseph M. V., John J. (2008). Impact of parenting styles on child development. Global Academic Society Journal: Social Science Insight, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 16-25. ISSN 2029-0365. [www.ScholarArticles.net] Leach, N. (2015). Social Development Theory: A case for multilingual tutorials (Mlts) in Law. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 10(1), 51-68. Mooney, C. G. (2013). Theories of Childhood: An Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget Vygotsky. Redleaf Press. Weisner, T. S. (2014). Culture, context, and child well-being.In Handbook of child well-being (pp. 87-103).Springer Netherlands. Walsh, A., Barnes, M., Mitchell, A. E. (2015). Nursing care of children in general practice settings: roles and responsibilities. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(11), 2585-2594.
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