Thursday, September 3, 2020
Fruit content of fruit juice and apple juice content of cider using Literature review
Organic product substance of natural product juice and squeezed apple substance of juice utilizing DNA technique - Literature survey Example For example, orange (Citrus sinensis) juice is more sought after and along these lines have a higher incentive than mandarin (C. reticulata) squeeze however both have a place with the Citrus species. Organic product assortments are subjectively reviewed utilizing characters, for example, organization and nature of syrup and this also has a huge effect in costs. Hence, particularly in mass-scale organic product juice creation, the makers might be enticed to corrupt exceptionally estimated items with a more affordable choice to build the item volume and in this manner increase better benefits. Such contaminated might be through weakening with water, sugars, high fructose corn syrup, spent procedure water and expansion of juices from more affordable organic product assortments (similarly as with squeezed orange weakening with mandarin). Confirmation is a significant issue in food industry and it is fundamental to give the purchaser right data about the substance of an item. Food marking and detectability are managed by EU order 2000/13/EC and its corrections and by EU regulative 178/2002 separately (Commission Regulation (EC) No 13/2000 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 178/2002). ... antitatively just as subjectively and decide the real fixings in an item to ensure high caliber of food items and in this way confirm customer rights. 2. Recognition techniques utilized in natural product juice industry In organic product juice industry, numerous advancements have being utilized to distinguish organization of an item. Before, Analysis of all out nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) was polished to survey natural product substance of (eg. squeezed orange) however, this strategy could be applied just when levels of these parts are very much archived. Consequently it was obvious that different techniques were out of luck and subsequently minerals, natural acids (citrus extract, malic corrosive), amino acids and sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) were investigated. During past years, evaluation of food items has been directed utilizing spectroscopy (UV, NIR, MIR), isotopic investigation, strategies dependent on chromatography (High weight fluid chromatogra phy (HPLC), LC, TLC, GC MC and LC MS), electronic nose, immunological techniques, for example, ELIZA and warm examination (Reid, O’Donnell and Downey, 2006). Paper chromatography and HPLC has been utilized in identifying sugars and acids, Gas fluid chromatography (GLC) and electrophoresis for amino acids and substance investigation for sharpness are a few models for these applications. Of late, as announced by Li, Goovaerts and Meurens (1996), Near-infrared spectroscopy (close IR) was utilized to identify sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose) and acids (citrus and malic acids) in squeezed orange. Every one of these strategies has their own focal points just as restrictions and in this way, more refine and increasingly touchy advancements were in steady interest. Anthocyanin color investigation with HPLC and electrospray mass spectroscopy (ESMS), stable isotopic carbon examinations, NMR spectroscopy and investigation of follow
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Anatomy: Oxytocin
Life systems Report: OXYTOCIN Name: Yeqin Yan Period: first period Oxytocin: from the Greek â€Å"oxy†, which means â€Å"quick,†and tokos, which means â€Å"childbirth†. History: Oxytocin was found in 1909 when Sir Henry H. Dale found that a concentrate from the human back pituitary organ gotten the uterus of a pregnant cat.Definition: a hypothalamic hormone put away in the back pituitary, which has uterine-contracting and milk-discharging activities; it might likewise be arranged artificially or acquired from the back pituitary of local creatures; used to incite dynamic work, increment the power of compressions in labor, contract uterine muscle after conveyance of the placenta, control baby blues drain, and animate milk launch. Fringe (hormonal) activities: 1. Setback reflex 2. Uterine withdrawal 3. Social conduct and wound recuperating 4.Modulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal hub action 5. Chemical imbalance 6. Expanding trust and lessening dread 7. Inf luencing liberality by expanding sympathy during point of view taking 8. Influencing Cognitive capacity Actions inside the mind: 1. a Function: 1. Invigorates constrictions of the smooth muscle tissue in the mass of the uterus during labor. 2. Oxytocin animates uterine compression. 3. Agreement the vagina during climax. Blend: In the nerve center, oxytocin is made in magnocellular neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular cores. Storage:It is put away in Herring bodies at the axon terminals in the back pituitary. Discharge: It is then discharged into the blood from the back flap (neurohypophysis) of the pituitary organ. Where would we be able to discover it: Outside the cerebrum, oxytocin-containing cells have been distinguished in a few assorted tissues, including the corpus luteum, the interstitial cells of Leydig, the retina, the adrenal medulla, the placenta, the thymus and the pancreas. Medication structures: Synthetic oxytocin is sold as restrictive prescripti on under the exchange names Pitocin and Syntocinon, and as conventional oxytocin.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Advantages of Breastfeeding Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Preferences of Breastfeeding - Research Paper Example The World Health Organization, social insurance associations, and government wellbeing associations affirm the intelligent affirmation of the conspicuous bit of leeway of human milk just as the dangers related with fake milk items. The WHO alongside the American Academy of Pediatrics proposes that moms solely breastfeed their babies al least for the underlying a half year, and carry on for in any event more than two years. Human milk gives best favorable circumstances for babies, along with untimely, just as wiped out newborn children. Human milk is just one of its sorts. Propelled supplements just as helpful substances are available in human milk that can't be supplanted. â€Å"Breastfeeding offers best state of being, nourishing, immunologic and formative advantages to infants just as insurance from baby blues complexities and future malady for mothers†(Sears, p. 190). Bosom milk is the most complete kind of sustenance for infants. Specialists have shown, â€Å"It has rece ntly the specific measure of fat, sugar, water, and protein that is required for an infant's development and development†(American Academy of Pediatrics, p. 301). Most infants think that its helpful to process bosom milk when contrasted with equation feed. Therefore, breastfed babies develop accurately the manner in which they should. They are probably going to put on less additional weight and to be less fatty. This may bring about avoiding being overweight during the high school years or much after that. Bosom milk has antibodies in it to help protect infants from germs and infections. Most recent looks into on this subject revel that youngsters who are not solely breastfed for at any rate a half year are progressively expected to build up a wide scope of infectious ailments along with ear diseases, loose bowels, and respiratory sicknesses (American Academy of Pediatrics, p. 301) and have extra hospitalizations. What's more, pampers who are not breastfed have a 19 percent h igher post neonatal infant demise rate in the United States. Various investigations infer that babies who are not breastfed have expanding paces of ‘sudden newborn child passing syndrome’ (SIDS) (Newman, p. 320-23) during the underlying year of life, and higher paces of â€Å"type 1 and type 2 diabetes, lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin's sickness, overweight and weight, elevated cholesterol and asthma†(Newman, p. 323). For kids, breastfeeding continues best development and guards against extreme and ceaseless disorder. For moms, breastfeeding helps with progress from pregnancy just as from labor and gives lifetime medical advantages. For society, breastfeeding offers an assortment of money related just as natural prizes. Bosom milk is a wonderful substance that can't be supplanted by some fake methods. Incomparable in its creation and capacity, bosom milk has an ideal parity of sustenance that the infant can process without trouble. It changes in the end, and even d the course of a day, to meet the shifting prerequisites of the developing child. It has substances imperative for best improvement of the infant’s mind, with consequences for both intellectual just as visual capacity. It gives development factors that ‘join to develop the baby gut’. It gives the infant with safe elements made to battle allergens just as sicknesses specific to the mother’s and newborn’s climate (Hausman, p. 192). Points of interest for Children specifically, specialists have distinguished that breastfeeding gives advantages to kids no other option of taking care of can copy. The benefits of breastfeeding start from the underlying minutes following labor and keep going for various years once breastfeeding stops. In correlation
The Group Leadership Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Group Leadership - Term Paper Example Administrators are task arranged while pioneers are visionary. So as to examine contrasts and similitudes among initiative and the executives, it is imperative to appreciate them in an unexpected way (Rickett, Administration Leaders are the individuals who impact a gathering of people to accomplish an objective. Along these lines, it very well may be said that authority includes impact and objective achievement. Probably the most well-known characteristics found in pioneers incorporate strolling the discussion for example consistency among words and activities, long haul center, inventiveness, visionary, confidence, certainty, and others (Rickett, The board Managers are unique in relation to pioneers as far as the way that the obligation of chiefs is to practice authoritative and administrative bearings. The obligations of supervisors are more assignment situated when contrasted with the duties of pioneers. So as to practice viable administration aptitudes, directors need specialized, human, and calculated abilities. Specialized abilities include information and capability of supervisors to do different assignments. Specialized aptitudes of supervisors incorporate scientific aptitudes just as the capacities to utilize specific instruments and strategies. Directors ought to be adroit at human abilities. Human aptitudes include capacities of directors to work with individuals. ... Both administration and initiative require differing aptitudes and abilities. Chiefs acquire request and consistency associations while pioneers bring change and development. The obligations of directors incorporate arranging and planning, sorting out and staffing, controlling and critical thinking. Arranging and planning includes building up motivation, setting timetables, and allotting assets. Sorting out and staffing includes setting up rules and methods. Controlling and critical thinking includes producing imaginative arrangements and creating impetuses (Rickett, Initiative Traits Studies directed on administration have discovered that singular qualities of pioneers vary from pioneers to pioneers. So as to discover singular attributes, an enormous number of things have been analyzed including sex, appearance, vitality, tallness, and other mental characteristics. An extent of mental attributes have additionally been analyzed including knowledge, requirement for accomp lishment, tyranny, and requirement for power. As indicated by scientists, there are just a couple of qualities related with initiative. Scientists along these lines concurred that scan for all inclusive characteristics of administration are pointless. Since the mid 1980s, a considerable advancement in the improvement of initiative characteristics has been made. There are a few all inclusive attributes which have been presented in the most recent decade. So as to direct the examination for administration characteristics, there were little character speculations. At first, next to no data identified with initiative characteristics was accessible. Characteristic examinations led on authority were exclusively founded on concentrates on youths, lower level directors, and managers instead of on pioneers on noteworthy position. The restoration of the initiative hypothesis began
Friday, August 21, 2020
Internal Control System Checklist
Inner Control System Checklist ACC/544 Monday December 03, 2010 Dr. YouKnew Abstract Internal control frameworks are purposed to help in dealing with a variety of dangers, while checking the respectability and unwavering quality of operational and money related information. Inside control frameworks guarantee the proactively of reviews, simultaneously as serving to guarantee that arrangements and methodology are implemented to secure the company’s money related data, restricting bookkeeping mistakes and extortion. The accompanying agenda is an apparatus to guarantee that the goals of interior control frameworks are met. Inward Control System ChecklistEthical Governance and Standards Ethical guidelines are the basis for inner control frameworks, where uprightness is the fundamental rule. Business morals show attributes of adequate business direct, while morals in interior control frameworks guarantees that these norms are imparted, executed, strengthened, and checked. While thi nking about the accompanying agenda for assessing interior controls, three periods of the control assessment are additionally applied. The three stages are getting, evaluation, and testing. I. Morals and GovernanceYESNOComments Are the moral measures exemplified by the leading group of directors?Are moral gauges audited with new representatives either in direction or by handout? Are the moral measures woven into representative assessments? Are handbooks accommodated progressing survey of moral measures? Is there a procedure set up to survey and right awful moral calls? Are moral gauges woven into business measures? Are deceitful endeavors in announcing imparted as horrendous to representatives and the board? Electronic Data Processing Electronic information handling ensures against inappropriate human intercession with PC preparing and different exchanges in a given organization.Computer programs help forestall access to certain data across divisions and jobs. Inside the periods of the control assessment the evaluator would need to guarantee that every client totally comprehends his job and to secure the protection of data given access. Continuous evaluation ought to be stood to enable every division to head better oversee client access and testing to guarantee consistence. II. Electronic Data ProcessingYESNOComments Are strategies set up to incorporate reference check, security, and end of representative security measures?Are the obligations inside the information preparing framework enough isolated per job? (for example, specialized help, programming designer, ect. ) Is the Electronic Data Processing framework discrete and autonomous from the working and bookkeeping offices? Is the Electronic Data Processing framework with the end goal that it keeps copy reports from being acquainted with the framework? Are there sufficient controls forestalling changes to ace documents? Are there sufficient powers over information passage to incorporate management, current guidelines, key confirmation of significant fields and self check digits?Financial Reporting One of the three particular destinations of inward control is to meet the obligation of guaranteeing that budget reports are solid. The term solid includes the planning of budget summaries that are decently introduced in congruity with material monetary detailing system utilized by the board. The arrangement of money related command over monetary revealing along these lines incorporates the structure and execution of strategies and systems vital by chiefs to give sensible confirmation that the ompany’s articulations are introduced as per the premise of bookkeeping. Assessment of budgetary detailing inside inward control framework should put accentuation on testing and evaluation. The accompanying agenda tends to some key territories of testing and appraisal of interior control of money related revealing. III. Monetary ReportingYESNOComments Is the announcement of money related positio n arranged month to month and checked on by the executives and the fund panel? Are the duties regarding the last audit and endorsement of monetary reports isolated from those for the readiness of reports?Are month to month, semi-month to month and yearly reports arranged contrasting salary and costs and affirmed spending plan and looked into by the administration and the fund board of trustees? Did the organization utilize a roast of records? Are the assignments for keeping up the general record reasonably isolated from those for the guardianship of benefits? Is there a composed bookkeeping strategy and procedural manuals conveyed to proper faculty? Agendas mostly administration as a device that the two supervisors and inspectors can use to audit a particular divisions inner control and for continuous purposes also.Checklists ought to be both drafted and appraisals finished by the executives who are responsible for the business forms. While finishing the agenda, straightforward yes or no reactions demonstrate a solid or frail inward control framework where extra notes for development are watched. Numerous inquiries are expected to make the best possible evaluation of a control framework. All in all, inside control agendas are coordinated with control assessments to give the best data about the usefulness of a framework where changes or alterations can be made.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Is my application complete COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Is my application complete COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog It is that time of year again when we receive calls and emails regarding application status with the same one liner, “is my application complete?†Here are some few easy steps to check your application status (after you have submitted) that will ease your stress and give you peace of mind while you wait for the ‘decision’. We will use Maggie Pittmans application as a reference â€" No worries, it’s a fabricated application that we created for this blog post. Step 1: Breathe. Now, let’s begin. Step 2: Log into your application. Already removed the link from your bookmarks, no worries, click here. The link will take you to this page (see below). Step 3: Access your application status page. Select Log in under Returning users and enter your application log in information. You will be directed to the page below. Click Fall 2014 and then click “open application†in the pop up window. Step 4: Check Application Status. You will be automatically directed to the “Application Status†page, which will indicate if any document(s) are missing. Our example below shows that there are recommendation letters missing (as indicated by the red x marks). If the application is complete the v marks will be green: EXAMPLE 1: INCOMPLETE APPLICATION If you have missing documents, please submit as soon as possible. We will accept letters of recommendation and self-reported GRE/GMAT scores past the deadline, within reason, so that your application can be completed and forwarded to the Committee for review. However, we cannot guarantee materials received after the February 5th deadline will be reviewed. If a recommendation letter is missing, it is usually fine and should not impact the decision if it is received a little later. EXAMPLE 2: COMPLETE APPLICATION If you do not have missing documents, take a deep breath and smile your application is complete and is being reviewed by the Admissions Committee as we speak. Step 5: Once your application is complete…do the happy dance!
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Describe Background and Concept of Lean Systems - 3300 Words
Describe Background and Concept of Lean Systems (Research Paper Sample) Content: Lean SystemsNameInstitutionIntroductionThe current world economies are deeply dependent on businesses. Run by both governments and individuals. This means that these organizations or companies have to have themselves on toes and to maximize profits in all the aspects because profit isnt just about the extra money that is earned on top of the money invested, it begins from other resources laid aside by the organization. These resources are all that the company has, and therefore, it has to protect them and ensure that no wastage occurs during the manufacturing or production of the products.Background on Lean SystemsPoor planning on the side of the organization is always the major reason why there is no leanness in the organization. Its the reason why many organizations around the world get low profits or none at all because the money/revenue they get is absorbed trying to clean up wastages that arise from time to time. It is very difficult for an organization to realiz e the big impact that a little days waste may cost when it recurs for six months or even for a whole year. It may seem like something that is small and that wont have any ripple effect on the companys revenue at the end of the financial year, but in the real sense, it does have a serious wave effect.When consumers see the price tags of many clothes/goods in the retail stores, they feel impressed and even they would commend the store as one that is big enough and well stocked (Russell, Taylor, n.d.). The question that arises is this, does the company require all that merchandise at that particular time, or its just a complete wastage of time arranging them, cost purchasing them and space that would have been used for something more useful? Its a complete waste! This calls for a companys system to be made as lean as possible, ensuring that everything is at its place at the required time with the required person.Concept of Lean SystemsWhenever companies adopt the lean systems, It show s how they make their orders, how they receive them and how they would see the received merchandise begin to be distributed to the right client/customer (Russell, Taylor, n.d.). Because the number of orders has reduced, it means that the frequency at which the company would be making the orders would tremendously increase and as a result promote the supply chain involvement in the business mix. Supply Chain is a very important aspect of a business that no company on earth can escape its grip at one point or another, all companies need something(s) from another business or individual, and therefore, its a system that should not be ignored.Many companies have always taken it as a plus to manufacture or produce/process merchandise months before the clients take them, not even knowing if the clients will be there to buy then in the first place. This would make the merchandise be in the stores for a long time and would also cause the clients to get merchandise that does not match their requirements. To match these requirements, the company would have to redo the whole process thus making waste an inevitable factor in the companys life (Russell, Taylor, n.d.). In the recent years, with the way consumers require their products customized, it means that companies have to be on their toes, doing things quickly, strategizing on how to shorten lead time, having quick customer/client communication (at any time of the day even at the wee hours of the night) in order to get the clients endorsement and referrals. When companies do this, it signifies the birth of Lean productionTherefore, in a nutshell, lean production is the ability of a company, firm, corporation, organization or even an SME to do more with less. This would ensure that the firm reaches its targets and goals (including its vision and mission). It has to maximize production with fewer employees, less working hours/time, less inventory and less working space.With the simple definition in the previous paragra ph, Lean Production can be understood as a company having to deal with the right people in the right manner in order to get the desired result. Many companies in the past have laid down their employees and retrenched many because of their need to eliminate wastage of resources and to ensure continuous improvement of their operations (Russell, Taylor, n.d.).There are many companies that have employed Lean Systems and it has fetched them billions of dollars as annual profits, an example being the Toyota Company. It changed its strategy gradually for over one year and ensured that all their products are produced when there is a ready market already (Russell, Taylor, n.d.). This was a move to ensure that inventory was minimized and that there was an effectively smooth flow of materials to the clients and also from their suppliers. This is the system that was initially called the Just-in-time (JIT), and then after a while, the term Lean Production was born (Russell, Taylor, n.d.).Lean Retailing and Lean Systems in Toyota CompanyTaiichi Ohno who was a shop manager and who also became the Vice President of the Toyota Company was the mind behind the concept of lean production. He is credited for this worldwide. Therefore, he explains that production of what one needs whenever s/he needs it is the best thing that individual can do because there is no room for any form of error to occur (Russell, Taylor, n.d.). There is an opportunity to learn better and to know what is needed more from the time a product is manufactured/produced any time it is needed. In order to ensure that Lean Production becomes a success in any organization or company, there are various factors that have to be taken into consideration and these are; ensuring that the resources available are flexible, having equipment that is reliable, having an efficient and reliable supplier who brings efficient supplies, being able to have an awesome setup, ensuring that all the employees are disciplined enou gh to maintain the new strategies laid down by the companys management.Types of WastesFor leanness to be evidently implemented, the organization/company has to ensure that they know the types of wastes that they want to eliminate by having lean systems in their midst. There are seven types of wastes; they include overproduction, waiting, transporting, over-processing, inventory, movement and defects (Russell, Taylor, n.d.). Overproduction happens in an organization when it produces merchandise/items that it cannot use immediately, waiting is when one department or group(s) of employees in the organization have to delay production because they have not received parts, machines that they require in order for them to continue production/manufacturing (Russell, Taylor, n.d.). To add onto this, transportation is very good and important, but when it is done needlessly, it becomes a waste, over-processing is when a company takes numerous steps for producing a particular item but the step s dont add value to the item being produced, inventory happens when there is storage, retrieval counting, and ensuring without taking into consideration whether the merchandise would find consumers anytime soon (its always a vicious cycle between the factory and the warehouse). Movement becomes a waste when the employees or people in the management are looking for tools, instructions, parts, approvals thus resulting into much wastage of time (Russell, Taylor, n.d.). This is always a sign of disorganization, and therefore, many people dont know when and how they should do what and with whom?The last type of waste is defects; it happens when the employees of the company dont do a good work and they have to redo the whole process again. It is a tiring process and discourages even the employees themselves; the time wasted while redoing the process would have been used to do another commendable job that would bring the organization some more income in form of revenue. Therefore, there i s much need for the organization to save money and processes, striving to eliminate all the wastes that exist within it (the company).Elements of Lean ProductionWaste elimination is one among the other elements of lean production. It is not always the only way that an organization can practice the essence of lean systems in its system. The other elements include Increased flexibility, smooth flow within and without the organization and continuous improvement (Russell, Taylor, n.d.). Increased flexibility has various components in it such as flexibility in resource management and cellular layouts. Smooth flow has various factors that contribute to it such as adopting the pull system, Kanbans, Small lots, quick set-ups and uniform production of the merchandise/products (Russell, Taylor, n.d.). On the other hand, continuous improvement deals with factors such as quality at the source; where the quality of whatever is within the organization is checked and considered to be viable with what the customers or client needs. There is also total productive maintenance where the organization ensures that the equipment used during production is well checked and maintained and also that the staff is encouraged to move in accordance to how they are allocated to work (Russell, Taylor, n.d.).Flexible resources mean that there has to be a well-maintained concept where there are workers who are able to do many things and also machines that are able to perform various tasks, commonly known as the general purpose machines. This contributes to a major junk of the success of the lean production implementation in any company around the world. It is always unrecognized by various stakeholders as the first element that must be put into perspective any time that the ...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Special Relationship Coincidence Or Destiney - 941 Words
A Special Relationship: Coincidence or Destiney? Throughout the course of our lives we face things that are destined to happen both good and bad. Sometimes our destiny brings us bad luck, we are diagnosed with a sickness, we lose our jobs, or we are brought to realize the sad reality that, it’s just not meant to be. Could this all have been coincidence? Is it possible that my dad developed heart problems from eating unhealthy foods and not the fact that his mother developed them? Could it be that I lost my job because it was just time for me to move on and not because my next job would give me a career to develop my skills to be far more prepared for the road ahead? What if I didn’t have the funds to go to Full sail University simply because I just didn’t have enough money within my scholarship and it wasn’t just destined for me to eventually end up at Post University ? I find myself at the mentality by which I’d often like to think that, the things that fall apart in my life and are brought back together far better than I could have idealized, were just destined to happen. Destiny brings things into our lives that are just inevitably meant to be; well at least that’s what I’d like to think when it comes to my fiancà © and I. The way we met and the love we share, it is arguably the most destined thing of all things that are destined. I will be the first to tell you that coincidence has taking its toll on my life but my relationship with my fiancà ©e Kendra is not one that was
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Effects Of Dementia On The Care Of Dementia Patients...
In an effort to answer this question I will start off with a clear account of the meaning of dementia, from what it is to the distinctive features of this disease to treatment or appropriate and care needed. This will then be followed by an effort define what is meant by person-centred care in relation to a particular workplace, before plunging into an explanation of what goes into the assessment of the service user, the planning tools needed while addressing some of the benefits of using the person-centred care approach in the care of dementia patients and others service users. The term ‘dementia’ is used to describe a syndrome associated with an ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities. This includes problems with memory loss, thinking speed, mental agility, language, understanding, and judgment. People with dementia can become apathetic or uninterested in their usual activities, and have problems controlling their emotion. They also fine social situation challe nging, lose interest in socialising and aspect of their personality may change. The majority of people who are diagnosed with dementia have either Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia, or a combination of the two. (Source 1) As the disease progresses, the person experiencing dementia becomes more vulnerable and their needs often complex; which requires appropriate care and management (Kitwood, 1997).this leads me to the next distinctive feature of patients with dementia. It is very predictable thatShow MoreRelated Effective Dementia Care Essay1562 Words  | 7 PagesDementia care offers support and services to an individual affected by the disease itself, which is dementia. It addresses the right and needs of the person with dementia and their families. Improving quality of life and changing attitudes towards dementia is the main goal of dementia care. Dementia care also provides quality of care, maintain dignity and promote health, security and comfort in consideration with the standard of care and ethical guidelines (Adams Manthorpe, 2003). UnderstandingRead MoreThe Use Of Music And Singing On Young Adults Written By Eells ( 2014 )1649 Words  | 7 Pageswork placement and the experiences acquired. In writing the article Eells (2014) examined the rising evidence base for the use of music/singing in taking leisure and hospitable activities as therapeutic nursing interventions for managing anxiety and other health problems in the increasing number of older adults. Eells (2014) started writing the article by going through online literature using searches of Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Medline and PsyARTICLES databasesRead MoreUnit 313. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Dementia Care and Practice.3305 Words  | 14 Pages | | | | | | | |Unit 313. Equality, diversity and inclusion in dementia care and practice. | | | | | | | |Q1(1.1) Explain why itRead MoreEssay Overview of Dementia1381 Words  | 6 PagesDementia is a syndrome, which is usually of a chronic or progressive nature, which causes deterioration in cognitive function. It goes beyond what is expected from normal aging. It causes changes in what you remember, like appointments, or phone numbers. It may cause you to get lost in a familiar setting like driving to the grocery store. You may not be able to balance your checkbook or add up your points in a card game. Communication becomes difficult; as you cannot find the words you want toRead MoreNursing: Learning Theories910 Words  | 4 Pagesbehavioral interventions for dementia caregivers. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 29 (8), 944-960. Recent studies have increasingly focused on behavioral symptoms associated with Alzheimers disease because of the negative caregiver reactions associated with these behaviors. Agitation and inappropriate verbal or motor activity are experienced by family caregivers as the most distressing behavioral symptoms. Caregiver emotional issues associated with severe care receiver agitation include depressiveRead MoreCommunication And Loss : An Essential Part Of Nursing2795 Words  | 12 Pagesto a patient’s care within the National Healthcare Service. This is something that the Royal College of Nursing describe as an essential part of nursing (RCN, 2013).Although it is important to fully appreciate the concepts above, it is necessary to identify potential factors which also may have an effect on why communication and loss can be difficult. Once this has been approached, it can be something for a student nurse to recognise and apply during placement. Person centred care involves balancingRead MorePrevention of Fall in Mental Health1510 Words  | 7 Pagesolder people with dementia. In this assignment, I shall reflect upon my experience from my practice placement, where I was involved in the reduction of fall as a therapeutic intervention in order to minimise the injuries related to fall. In my conclusion, I shall include recommendation in relating to reducing a fall in older people with dementia. During my clinical placement, I had the chance to realise the complexity surrounding the assesses of falls in older people with dementia. Reducing a fallRead MoreNutritional Requirements of Individual with Dementia Essay1455 Words  | 6 Pagesnutritional requirements of individuals with dementia Outcome 1 Understand the nutritional needs that are unique to individuals with dementia. 1.Cognitive means the affect that dementia has on thinking skills eg memory, understanding etc. Functional is about the ability to perform actions such as feeding themselves. Emotional is about how they feel and react eg confusion can cause distress and aggression. As dementia progresses, eating and drinking can become difficult for someRead MoreCommunication, Assessment, Managing Risk, And Managing Uncertainty2361 Words  | 10 Pagesdiscuss the care given to one person in practice. Chapelhow et al. (2005) have created a framework to enable a person-centred approach to be taken in all care situations. It outlines six key areas which are fundamental to excellent care delivery. These are: communication, assessment, managing risk, documentation, professional decision making and managing uncertainty. In this assignment I will be exploring the issues around communication and assessment in relation to the care given to the patient. I willRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Dementia11088 Words  | 45 Pagesdisorders. The two disorders that I have picked are dementia and diabetes. With this I will discuss and explain the signs and symptoms that occurs and the changes the clients have been through. Dementia: Dementia is an illness that happens to the elderly. Frequently dementia takes place in people who are 65 and over. From research it has been said that the older you get, the more likely you are to develop it. Dementia is a common condition. Dementia is not a specific disease. It is a descriptive term
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Big Match - Personal Narrative Essay - 1524 Words
The Big Match - Personal Narrative The crowd erupted as the 22 players emerged from the tunnel; each one gunning for victory like the crowd and each player was greeted with an encouraging cheer. Then whilst the players shook hands with the other team, regarded as the enemy, I was left to fantasise about the course of events that might occur over the next 90 minutes of thrilling action. This was the final, placing Champions Of England, Manchester United against the Champions Of Germany, Bayern Munich. War was about to commence . . .. This was the day I had been anticipating since United had qualified for the final and my Dad immediately booked flights, tickets and hotel accommodation so we†¦show more content†¦Everyone nearby was a United fan, although I couldnt hear the Germans fans opposite us. It was a friendly atmosphere. Just as I was beginning to feel settled, Bayern won a free kick on the edge of the penalty area. This looks dangerous, murmured my Dad, not daring to take his eyes off the ball as if it might suddenly fly in the back of the net without warning. The goalie will save it, but this guyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. whats his name? Basler, replied my Dad, still not daring to alter his gaze. That the one, I replied, Basler, will miss it! I added in a triumphant manner. Then, as if he was waiting for me to finish prophesising his kick, Basler stepped up to the ball and launched a daisy-cutter, which skimmed across the ground, thorough the wall, eluded the goalkeeper and nestled in the back of the net. The opposite end of the stadium erupted into cheers and cries of ecstatic excitement and no doubt joy. The silent German fans were no longer silent, they were loud. They were so loud, yet we were so quiet; it made the bitter disappointment much worse. My dad his shook his head, which like many other nearby supporters was now buried in his hands and resting on his lap. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Antigone Essay - 1008 Words
Antigone nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Antigone, by Sophocles, is a story about the struggle between Antigone, who represents the laws of the gods and Creon, who represents the laws of the state. The play takes place circa 442 B.C. in the city-state of Thebes. The story revolves around the burial of Polyneices. Polyneices led an army against his brother, Etocles, the King of Thebes. They killed each other in battle and the new king, Creon, made a decree that only Etocles was to be buried because Polyneices was his rival. Antigone, sister of Polyneices and Etocles, feels that she needs to bury Polyneices in accordance to Zeus’ law, but this went against Creon’s decree. Also, Antigone has to bury Polyneices without the help of her sister†¦show more content†¦After Creon’s wife, Eurydice, found out her son was dead, she stabbed herself to death. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Creon is not wholly wrong in forbidding people to bury Polyneices. His intentions are good because he wanted to show how evil Polyneices was in attacking the city and that in order for the government of Thebes to work, they have to stay united. According to Creon, â€Å"For I- be Zeus my witness, who sees all things always- would not be silent if I saw ruin, instead of safety, coming to the citizens; nor would I ever deem the country’s foes a friend to myself; remembering this, that our country is the ship that bears us safe, and that only while she prospers in our voyage can we make true friends†(Sophocles, page 121). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Creon justifies his position to the others in the play by stating that Polyneices was evil and it would be unjust to Etocles, who died with honor, to share a spot in the earth with an evil person like Polyneices.(Sophocles, page 129). Creon states, â€Å"†¦Polyneices, who came back from exile and sought to consume utterly with fire the city of his fathers and the shrines of his fathers’ gods, sought to taste of kindred blood and to lead the remnant into slavery†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Sophocles, page 121). Creon also states, â€Å"A foe is never a friend-not even in death†(Sophocles, page 129). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I think Antigone is a righteous martyr for wanting to bury herShow MoreRelatedAntigone By Sophocles Antigone1525 Words  | 7 Pagesnothing that the gods demand†(1349-1350). Sophocles’ Antigone takes place in a trying time for the city of Thebes, when Oedipus, their king, and most of the royal family have died, and Creon has just been appointed the new king. Throughout the play, Creon tries on his power as the new ruler, and seems to believe that the gods will not be angry with some of his choices as king, even though they directly violate the divine law. However, in Antigone, when there is a conflict between the divine law andRead Moreantigone987 Words  | 4 Pageshamartia and lastly they need to realize their mistakes and accept their consequences. In Antigone, there are two main characters that fit the criteria of a tragic hero, but only the protagonist, Antigone meets all of the conditions. Antigone meets the second requirement of a tragic heroine, by fulfilling the criteria of being neither entirely good nor completely bad. In the opening of the play, Antigone asks her sister, Ismene to help her give Polynieces a proper burial but Ismene disagrees becauseRead MoreThe Choices Of Antigone And Sophocles Antigone1560 Words  | 7 Pagesthat Antigone and Creon face in Sophocles’ Antigone differ, their decisions often end up pitted against each other’s, inviting comparison. Since I am juxtaposing the characters’ degrees of rightness, I believe that the rightness of the reasoning, not just their ultimate stances, should be examined. The entirety of his or her argument, not just the conclusion, must be taken into account. I’ll also note that my perspective of rightness could and does conflict with that of the gods in Antigone and SophoclesRead MoreCharacterization of Antigone in Sophocles Antigone2448 Words  | 10 PagesSophocles’ tra gic drama, Antigone, presents to the reader a full range of characters: static and dynamic, flat and round; they are portrayed mostly through the showing technique. In â€Å"Sophocles’ Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone,†Charles Paul Segal takes the stand that there are two protagonists in the drama (which conflicts with this reader’s interpretation): This is not to say that there are not conceptual issues involved in the characters of Creon and Antigone. But the issues areRead MoreAntigone Summary771 Words  | 4 Pagesunburied to rot. Antigone was dejected with Creon’s ruling and decided to bury Polynices herself. She tried to enlist Ismene to help her, but Ismene was to afraid. Antigone furiously continued with the plan on her own. A sentry discovered Antigone and brought her to Creon. Ismene was also brought to Creon and confessed that she had helped Antigone with the burial rites of Polynices. Antigone stopped Ismene and told her not to admit to an act that she had not committed. Antigone took sole responsibilityRead MoreAntigone2454 Words  | 10 PagesAntigone– The Characterization Sophocles’ tragic drama, Antigone, presents to the reader a full range of characters: static and dynamic, flat and round; they are portrayed mostly through the showing technique. In â€Å"Sophocles’ Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone,†Charles Paul Segal takes the stand that there are two protagonists in the drama (which conflicts with this reader’s interpretation): This is not to say that there are not conceptual issuesRead More Antigone Essay1318 Words  | 6 PagesAntigone Essay In any story or piece of literature, there will always be the main characters to fill the pages with incessant adventure. The characters whose names appear on almost every page and the characters whose actions the story revolves around. However, a story will also always have its minor characters. These are the characters that contribute heavily to the plot, yet arent mentioned quite as often and are underestimated regarding their importance in the story. In the Greek masterpieceRead More Antigone Essay3001 Words  | 13 PagesSUBJECT Antigone is a play about a woman who disobeyed the Kings order to not bury her brother. The play was written by the famous Greek tragedian, Sophocles, in 441 B.C. The story took place in the city of Thebes and the time period is not mentioned. The main characters introduced in the play are of Antigone, Ismene, Creon, and Haemon. The primary focus was centered on Antigone and the consequences she faces after breaking the Kings orders. In the beginning, the author introduced Antigone and herRead MoreAntigone by Sophocles622 Words  | 3 PagesIn the playwright Antigone by Sophocles, the characters reveal their values while exposing a life lessons through their actions, dialogue, thoughts ,and effects on others. Antigone starts with two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, being killed at battle. Creon, the king of Thebes, declares that Eteocles’ death will be honored and Polyneices’ dishonored. He instead will lay unburied to become the food of animals. When the play opens, Antigone takes Ismene, Antigone and Ismene are sisters of the deadRead MoreEssay on Antigone1426 Words  | 6 Pagesimprudent judgments will ultimately suffer from the consequences of their actions. In Sophocles Antigone, these prejudices notably surface in the form of paternalism as demonstrated through Creons government, highlighting the importance of gender roles throughout the play. Therefore, analyzing the motif of gende r roles and its effect on the definition of justice through the perspectives of Ismene, Antigone, and Creon enables the audience to understand how Sophocles macroscopic analogy to humanitys
‘the Perfect Storm’ Essay Free Essays
How does the Director create tension in the storm scene of â€Å"The Perfect Storm†? In the storm scene of â€Å"The Perfect Storm†, the director, Wolfgang Petersen, creates a large amount of tension to try to make the film more exciting and realistic. It is important for this film to be quite realistic because it is based on a true story. This is how tension is created in this dramatic, exciting scene using Cinematography and Mise-en-Scene. We will write a custom essay sample on ‘the Perfect Storm’ Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of the many tense moments in this scene is when we see a tilt angle in which the crew are sitting silent in their quarters. The tilt angle emphasizes the fact that the boat is rocking dangerously and makes the audience worry that the boat will capsize. This creates tension because it makes the audience fear for the lives of the crew. Another tense part of the scene is at the beginning when we see the small boat struggling against the gigantic waves. The long shot shows how massive the waves are compared to the small fishing boat. This makes the audience feel tense because the boat looks so helpless in the dangerous storm. This is one of my favourite scenes because it shows just how much danger the crew is in. Tension is further built through a close up of one of the crew in the bedroom. He looks very much like he has given up and also very worried, depressed and hoping that that the captain will be able to save them. This creates tension by making the audience fear for the crew, worry about them and creates sympathy towards them. A mid-shot continues to make us feel anxious when we see the captain and his first mate struggling to steer the boat through the huge waves. This shot shows just how much difficulty they are having and how worried and tense they are. It creates tension because it shows the audience how hard it is to control the boat and shows the emotions the captain and his mate are feeling. These emotions are exhaustion and anxiety. Another very intense part of the scene is when there is a high angle of the floor in the bedroom and clothes washing around. This shows how flooded the boat is and emphasizes the fact that this is an extremely dangerous situation. This creates tension because it makes the audience feel that the boat will sink and therefore putting them on the edge of their seat. There is also a low angle in the scene. We see the captain and his mate at the steering wheel. The fact that it is a high angle suggests that the crew is still in control. They have very determined looks on their faces which suggests that they might make it and gives the audience a false sense of hope in the crew. The director uses Mise-en-scene in the film to create more tension. The lighting in the storm scene of â€Å"The Perfect Storm†is quite dark and dramatic. There are also flashes of lightning to emphasize how dangerous and unpredictable the storm is. The dark blue lighting creates tension because it is a cold, dark colour. This makes the audience feel that something very bad is going to happen. The music and sounds are also a very important part of this film. These create tension in the storm scene because there are sounds of massive waves splashing against each other, claps of thunder and dramatic music playing in the background. The splashes are to remind the audience how big the waves are and the thunder is to add to the tension created by the lightning. The trumpets in the background music make the audience feel tense because trumpets can make very dangerous sounding notes. Costumes can also create tension. For example, in this film, the crew are wearing fishermen’s uniforms. These mainly consist of waterproofs, jumpers and gloves. These are to show that they are fishermen and to emphasize how cold and wet it is. They also make the audience think that the crew is feeling uncomfortable. Props also make the audience sit on the edge of their seat in this film. In this scene, there are clothes all over the floor and pictures of family on the wall. This is to show what the crew will lose. The effect on the audience is that it makes them feel sorry for the crew’s family. In conclusion, the director creates tension with angles, shots, music and props. I have learned that Cinematography and Mise-en-scene are very powerful things when trying to build tension. Personally, I found this film quite depressing. But I still feel tense when I see this scene. How to cite ‘the Perfect Storm’ Essay, Essays
Cause of Disease due to Pathogens-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Cause of disease due to Pathogens. Answer: Cause of disease due to pathogens Scientists have found out the link between the pathogens, the microbes present in our gut and depression. This was verified with the experiment on the mouse. The gut microbiome can affect various aspects of health. There are certain helpful bacteria present in our gut that maintains the metabolic activities. Depression is the leading cause of disorder and its is found ou that the pathogens are the missing link to the cause of such. It is believed that diet influence this microbes in our gut. Often unhealthy foods with lack of vegetables and nutrition leads to the disruption of the helpful pathogens that maintain the dopamine level in our brain. The person feels emotional stress due to minor reasons. Physical impact due depression is the invitation of other fatal diseases like heart attack. It is believed that the treatment with probiotics could be healing for the people experiencing such conditions. The good pathogen present in our gut is the form of connection between the brain and gut. Preclinical research has already that the probiotics acts like antidepressant and is anxiolytic (Dash et al, 2015). Any trauma related can cause untold damage to the patient. Thus the probiotic treatment is the best solution to deal with this problem. The lasting impacts of persons disorder often leads tp negative events. The effects are however severe. These interfere with the individuals ability to lead a normal life (Foster Neufeld, 2013). Trauma can be caused by longtime depression. The person can feel disoriented. There can be night terrors, edginess and irritation. The emotional symptoms of trauma will include the anger, sadness and emotional outbursts. The physical symptoms will include fatigue, poor concentration and racing of heartbeat (Cattaneo et al, 2015). Inherited genetic conditions The inherited genetic conditions can cause more trauma in a person. Often lifelong sufferin from genetic disorders can lead to the traumatic events in a person. Even the traumatic events can be passed from one generation to another. Scientists have already found out the physiological basis of the underlying heredity trauma. The diseases like bipolar disorders whose trauma episodes are detected in the genes of the family. For long term in terms of physical affect of the person. The person experiences metabolic disorders and can get affected with high blood pressure and sugar. It is already reported that the acquired traits induced by the trauma can also get inherited with similar mechanism (Chen et al, 2015). A study examining the DNA of holocaust survivors and their children found similar variations and affected genes in their next generation. The life experiences, also emotionally affects their victims and also their generation. The person affected with anxiety due to trauma has the liable chance to pass the information in gene. It is found out that the persons who, had the symptom of trauma created due to any disease can also be transmitted to the next generation. The next generation children are affected with the trauma easily. Another reason as already known that long days suffering can induce traumatic conditions in the person. That could not only be fatal for the person but such an acquired trait could be harmful for its next generation (Sharma et al, 2016). Nutritional factors The nutritional factors could be another reason towards the development of diseases. One such disease can be obesity and diabetes. The physical impact on the person can be fatigueness, increased thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision. There are going to be huge emotional weight on the person suffering long due to diabetes (Hegg-Deloye et al, 2014). The nutritional factors include the increased consumptions of sugary food leads to diabetes in the person. On the other hand researchers have found that the increase in depression and trauma more in a person suffering for long. Diabetes can cause increased heart rate and can lead to heat stroke. The person often experiences day to day diminished interest and pleasures. They even face trouble sleeping. The person feels excessive guilt and worthless. They even lose the ability to make everyday decisions. Thus as a nurse the nutrition is mainly to be suggested with taking the right amount of sugar or taking healthy food, doing physical ac tivity can curb down the source of the disease (Langley?Evans, 2015). It is known that persons affected with depression are more likely to be diabetic. They also are susceptible to the increased trauma victims. The nurses are required to show them the correct path to lead a good lifestyle. The person should avoid alcohol and cigarette. The compulsive behaviors and overreacting is a mental state the person faces. Nutritional factors are thus the main reason that contributes to the fatal affects of diabetes, that is trauma. The emotional feeling of unpleasant and uncomfortable can be remove only by the people self controlled life style (Naghavi et al, 2014). Impacts caused by health interventions Medical errors and negligence, iatrogenic is another reason towards cause of any disease. The mistakes are like surgeries or in wrong therapies. Iatrogenic disease is the result of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that are undertaken in a patient could be a fault. There could be disease due to the error in the drugs given. There can be both mechanical and radiological factors that impacts. The mechanical procedures include the diagnostic aspirations of fluids that cause hemorrhage or any other secondary infections (Singer et al, 2017). Even in wrong procedure in biopsies can lead to spread of malignancies and can cause shock and death. The endoscopic procedures may lead to the perforations and damage in tissues. Radiological treatments like with the radioisotopes could be extremely harmful for the pregnant women. The other mistakes will include in the wrong prescriptions of the drugs given that may cause allergies and other side effects. These adverse affects due to iatrogenic e ffect can lead to many longtime suffering of diseases and can lead to experiences of trauma. The emotional and mental impacts include more depression by the disease (Makary Daniel, 2016). Degenerative changes in vital organ system Aging is the main reason towards the degenerative changes in vital organ tissues. After a certain age, the living tissues like connective tissues, epithelial tissues, muscle tissues and nerve tissues are mainly affected. The health conditions include the unable to coordinate of work. The person faces difficulty in the movement of the limbs (Wang, Oxer Hekimi, 2015). The emotional affects include the person gets easily upset for not being able to work properly as before. Depression is due to excess health cost at the elderly age. Some of the degenerative diseases include the Alzheimers disease, neoplastic disease, hypertension, cardiopathies and other coronary or heart diseases. Thus with aging the vital organs starts getting degenerated and cause certain disorders (Vo et al, 2013). These disorders lead to tension, trauma , depression and can could be the leading sources for heart attack. The blood pressure also rises abnormally, both systole or during diastole. The coronary heart di sease is another main effect of the degenerative disease. Any emotional stress could be very fatal for the elder person suffering from any kind of degenerations of the vital organs. Myocardial infection is the main outcome of trauma that may arise due to both emotional as well as the longtime suffering from sickness. The tensions come due to the health care costs (Sakai Andersson, (2015). The loss of normal control mechanism of the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells A huge amount of abnormality in health arises from the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells. This is the last stage of cancer, when the cells spread through the vital organs. This is the metastasis stage. The upregulated proliferation in the cell is the main reason behind this. The body forgets to respond appropriately to the correct signals and the cells divides immaturely. All the vital organs start functioning in abnormal way. In that stage the cancer cells are almost untreated and cannot be cured easily. At this condition the patient faces the most health problems. The main effects include the pain, weakness, loss of weight, breathing troubles and even mortality (Delbridge et al, 2016). The emotional stress is the worst to handle for both the patients and family members of the patients. There are cases of depression due to continuos treatment without any positive results. Even there are cases when the person wishes to commit suicide. As for the family members, they bear the trauma and depression of seeing the suffering of the patient and the excess health costs for every chemotherapy. Cancer cells when grow abnormally and spreads than it can attack organs like bones, lymph nodes, tissues and organs. The stage is mostly not curable (Weinberg, 2013). Trauma, toxins and other environmental hazards Trauma is another main reason itself that causes diseases in any person. From infancy to adolescence this is a very common source of health hazards. Mainly this type of impairment comes due to family related issues or attachment problems. The stages in environment stimulate the reduction in the development of the brain and nervous system. These responses in health will include the rapid breathing, heart pounding and this is directly proportional with the stressful situations (Bethell et al, 2014). They are posed with the significant emotional threats with overreacting and unresponsiveness and detached. The main reason is that stress in the environment can prevent the right development of brain. Children with trauma has the case histories of stomach aches, head ache and adolescents in trauma often engage in risky behaviors like smoking, alcohol addiction. The cognitive disturbances can also be noticed with the dysregulation in the sensory stimuli. They are often hypersensitive to stim uli like touch, smell, light. There are cases of affects of trauma where people are often impulsive and indulge in harming others or themselves. The toxins from the environment could be another reason behind the cause if disease. The toxins are obtained in the body as poison through pollution. The air pollution can have toxin in the air that develops asthma, allergies and even cancer. The food that is consumed is not safe. It is found that DDT is another leading environmental toxin that causes the onset of Alzheimers disease. Scientists already suspects that along with genetic factors the toxins and the pollutants can increase the risk of developing any disorders related with the debilitating (Myhre et al, 2013). Another environmental toxin which is poisonous is the nitrosamines that come from the nitrogen based chemicals are also the increased cause of neurodegenerative disorders. Excessive pesticide exposures can lead to Parkinson disease. Already recent increased in rates of the pesticide exposure have been found to link to this disease. One such chemical in environment is the organochlorines. Many cases have been reported of the increased exposure to environmental toxins can lead to the effects of auto-immune diseases (Yegambaram et al, 2015). References Bethell, C. 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Thursday, April 30, 2020
Pandora Case Study free essay sample
For Pandora, one of the biggest players In Internet radio, figuring out the future Is boot challenging and Intimidating. If the regular challenges of growing a new company are NT enough, Pandora also faces a market that is reeling in turmoil. In the new digital world, the WA y people listen to music continues to change dramatically. It seems likely that Pandora will either lea d the changes or fall victim to them. Pandora was founded just over a decade ago. At that time, a vast majority of music list inners were still getting their groove on in one of two ways: They either popped a CD into the Eire home, car, or personal CD player or they turned on the old AM/ FM radio. But the advent of digital formats Like Amps has had a huge Impact on CD sales and has drawn people away from what Is n owe called ;terrestrial radio. We will write a custom essay sample on Pandora Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Moreover, Like the music business, the radio business has faced m ajar changes of its own. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 reduced limitations on the number of SST actions that one owner could hold.This led to huge ownership groups that consolidated and standard ;zed listening formats. The result is less diversity on the radio, with shorter playbills and fewer artist TTS represented. From one city to the next, all across the United States, radio stations have started to s mound more alike. Both these trends combined with the explosion of Internet usage and changes In online technologies have led to a deluge of companies trying to capitalize on the future of music distribution.This includes download services such as tunes, subscription services s chi as Rhapsody and music, an endless number of Internet radio stations, and even satellite radio en outwork Sirius. Today, with an ever- growing list of listening devices and cloud music services that store personal music libraries so they can be accessed anywhere by any device, listening try ends continue to evolve. But one thing about the future is certain: The business of listening to music is full of disruption and confusion. Things are changing fast and the winning products and SE Emcees-?leaned, the survivors-?are yet to be determined.The Power of People Amid the chaos, Pandora has carved out Its own niche, setting Itself apart as an auto mated music recommendation service. It isnt a play-on- the exact song and artist they want. Rather, listeners enter an artist or song squeegees n. The plastic starts with a track by the requested artist and inserts additional songs by that artist e err once in a Nile. But in between, Pandora cues up songs by other artists similar in nature to the requested material. If an unlinked or unwanted song plays, the listener can click the thumbs do n icon or Just kip the song and it will be removed from the list.Users can also create stations by BRB sowing artists alphabetically, or they can tune in to pre- made genre stations or to other users stations. Listeners can create as many stations as they wish, each oriented around the initial input. Lots of online services employ similar recommendation features (think Nettling and Am axon). Out Pandora has set a precedent by the predictive power of its recommendation soft Near. The Pandora software is amazingly precise at choosing material that fits with what the us r wants.According to Tim Western, founder and Chief Strategy Officer for Pandora, the sec ret sauce is the people behind the software. Behind this digitized, automated, software- driven machine, Western says, muff need a human ear to discern. Its true that the algorithms mathematically match songs, but the math, all its doing is translating what a human being is actually measuring. O Marketing An Introduction. 1 lath edition (2013) page 27 of 45 Each of the 850,000 songs from 80,000 different artists in Panders library has been analyzed and coded by a professional musician.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
buy custom Arlington Urgent Care essay
buy custom Arlington Urgent Care essay Let us map out the standard process of patients reception in the new Arlington Urgent Care clinic which is opening on January 1, 2012. Patients are accepted without appointments, on first come first served basis, the priority is given to emergency cases. When a patient visits the clinic, he is handed a single form at the registration desk which includes all necessary information such as demographics form, fee ticket and clinical documentation - all on the same form for the patients convenience so there is no need to issue any charts. According to the anamnesis gathered by the nurse at the reception, the patient is guided to the necessary specialist. The specified doctor accepts the patient, performs all necessary procedures, takes all analyzes and makes all prescriptions all the information is noted down to the single form so the patient can see how much he has to pay and what exactly he is paying for. After the appointment with the doctor is finished the patient is guided back to t he reception desk where he makes all necessary payments. Arlington Urgent Care clinic does not accept or file any insurance during payment process that is why even if the patient is insured he has to pay for the services with cash or credit card anyway. Patient is also instructed to file copy the form with specified insurance company. According to the form copied the payment may be transferred by the insurance company directly to the patient. If the patient has a primary care physician the form can be faxed to him. If the patient does not have a PC physician and one is needed based on the diagnosis, the patient is given a list of PC physicians accepting patients from the urgent care center. The patient can choose a physician from the list, the form will be faxed to the chosen doctor, and the patient will be able to address the physician basing on the diagnosis made in Arlington Urgent Care. At the end of the visit the patient can fill the feedback form, where he can point out his im pressions of the clinic services to help make the work of Arlington Urgent Care clinic more efficient. Buy custom Arlington Urgent Care essay
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Everything You Need to Know About Writing Awesome Email Subject Lines
Everything You Need to Know About Writing Awesome Email Subject Lines First impressions matter. This is certainly true for email subject lines. Theyre the first thing recipients see in their inbox. When written well, they inspire readers to open your email newsletters and click through to read more. If theyre off target, however, they let your reader know your email is a waste of time and space. No pressure, though. To make matters worse, we all get too many emails. Whether theyre from a store you dont remember visiting, or your parents are wondering why you dont write more often (you should really drop them a line), the pursuit of inbox zero is a fabled achievement for knowledge workers (including marketers). So, how do you write subject lines that make your emails stand out? Thats exactly what well cover in this post. Youll learn: The emotional elements of subject lines that drive clicks. Best practices on how to write subject lines. The best way to run A/B tests so you can gather your own data about what works best for you. Make yourself comfortable. Were going to write sharp subject lines that demand the attention your email deserves. This Is How To Write Better Email Subject Lines To Get More OpensSnag Your Email Subject Line Template + Resource Bundle This post is packed full of advice. To make it easier to implement while youre on the job, weve rounded up these free templates: Email Subject Lines Template: 43 fill-in-the-blank templates to practice sharpening your subject line writing skills. 500+ Power Words Cheat Sheet: We made this with headlines in mind, but the same words work to infuse emotion into subject lines, too. Power + Emotion Words Cheat Sheet: Another reference sheet loaded with emotional words to drive more engagement. Email Subject Line A/B Test Spreadsheet: A simple Excel file for storing the outcomes of your email subject line A/B tests. ... And Try Our New Email Subject Line Tester You get one chance to write the perfect subject line for your email. Of course, there's no way to be sure how it'll perform until you hit "send." But, wouldn't be great if you could tilt the odds in your favor? That's where our Email Subject Line Tester comes in. Like our popular Headline Analyzer, it's a free and simple tool for testing email subject lines. Enter your subject line: And get your score: Plus, you'll get a detailed breakdown on how to improve your results: Give it a spin now and start optimizing every subject line you write (before sending it to your list). Why Are Subject Lines Important? Like we stated previously, your subject line is the first thing recipients see. In that crucial make-or-break moment when users find your email in their inbox, it's what determines whether they'll click through, or simply ignore your message. Worse, they might even put your newsletter in the trash without even opening it up. Let's start by asking exactly why paying attention to subject lines is important. Here are some interesting stats: Source: When it comes to subject lines, these numbers tell us a few things: Subject lines shouldn't sound overly sales-driven. No one wants to start their day with a blunt sales pitch. Stay out of SPAM folders by sounding natural. Avoid spammy-sounding subject lines. People will learn to avoid your emails, even if you make it into their inbox. Subject lines have a considerable influence on click-through rates. Sure, 35% isn't an astronomical number. However, it's high enough to show subject lines carry weight. Ignore them at your own peril. Writing #email #subject #lines? Commit these three stats to memory.Can You Show Me Some Examples of Great Email Subject Lines? Now, you're probably wondering what good email subject lines look and sound like. There are a ton of great examples and resources out there, and we've rounded up some of the best below: 101 Best Email Subject Lines of 2017 (Digital Marketer) 164 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates (OptinMonster) 13 Insanely Clickable Email Subject Line Examples (Sumo) 40 Great Email Subject Lines (ThriveHive) That should be plenty to point you in the right direction. Three Mechanics of Strong Subject Lines So, you've seen some examples of good subject lines. But, what actually makes them, well, good? Let's break down some mechanics. Write Short Subject Lines For Mobile Devices According to MailChimp, there is little correlation between subject line length and clicks. However, keeping them short may help their appearance on mobile devices. Communicate a Clear Benefit No one will open your marketing email if there is no benefit to the reader. So, make it clear that your recipient will gain something from opening it. In most cases, the benefit of your email will be clear. Here are some examples: Move snow faster with this plow (benefit: clearing your driveway quicker). Cut grass like a champ (benefit: make lawn mowing easier). Improve your living room for 40% less (benefit: upgrade your furniture, saving money). These are basic examples, but they give you the picture. Use Words That Positively Impact Open Rates The best subject lines use terms shown to drive action. Here's a quick look at 100+ words you should consider: How Do Emotional Appeals Impact Email Open Rates? Subject lines are a lot like headlines. The more emotional, the better. People want to know how their life will be better, easier, or more enjoyable because they read your email. Those kinds of benefits aren't necessarily easy to convey. However, they're essential for optimal open rates. So, how can you pull those emotional levers to get more opens? Start by understanding which emotions you want to invoke, and learn the language necessary to drive that action. Recommended Reading: How to Write Emotional Headlines That Get More Shares Which Emotions Can Email Marketers Tap Into? So, we've established the need to give your emails some feeling. But, which emotions or sensations should marketers focus on eliciting? Let's focus on the following four: Urgency. Why should I act fast (and what will happen if I don't)? Curiosity. How can you include enough detail to get readers interested, but leave enough mystery that they have to click through? Excitement. Can your subject line hype up your email content (and can your newsletter can back it up)? Joy. What can your subject line do to promote a positive emotional result for your reader? How to Write Subject Lines That Inspire Urgency Let's take a look at some easy subject line formulas and templates you can use to get readers moving. Give Your Reader a Deadline to Act Deadlines and "limited time" messaging can inspire immediate action. Example: Successful marketers will open this ... before time runs out. Tap into FOMO (The Fear of Missing Out) The "fear of missing out" is real, and no one wants to miss out on something good. Example: Limited spots available! Claim yours now. Imply Negative Outcomes Due to Lack of Action What happens if the recipient doesn't take advantage of what's in your email? Example: Don't let your lawn suffer under the summer sun. How to Write Subject Lines That Inspire Curiosity Everyone enjoys a little bit of mystery from time to time, right? Here's how to infuse some suspense into your emails to get more opens. Try the Cliffhanger Approach Leave out enough detail to stoke interest without telling the whole story. Example: Bob's lawn got greener than ever using ... Start With the End Offer readers a conclusion that leaves them wondering how the story starts. Example: How did Bob's lawn get so green? Use an Open-Ended Question One that can only be answered by opening your email. Example: What's new at Bob's Lawn Care Emporium? How to Write Subject Lines That Inspire Excitement Get readers excited to open their email (or, well, as excited as you can get while reading email). Here's how to infuse some hype into your subject lines. Incorporate Strong Action Verbs Use language that encourages people to get up and do something. Example: Blast your abs for less at Dave's Gym Give Your Reader a Sense of Exclusivity Email subscribers love feeling like they have the inside track on exclusive deals and information. Example: Can you keep a secret? Here's some cool news coming soon ... Make an Offer People Can't Refuse Use an accurate but hard-to-believe statistic or incredible offer to generate excitement. Example: Did you know 73% of clients see improvement using this tactic? How to Write Subject Lines That Inspire Joy You know the saying, "People won't remember what you say, but they'll remember how you made them feel?" That absolutely applies to marketing, your brand, and your email subject lines. Make people feel good and reap the rewards. Use Emojis Intelligently A well-placed emoji can be great for getting a chuckle. Example: Look your best and feel your best :) (this isn't the best example, but pretend that smiley face is a much cooler-looking emoji) Work In Humor (Carefully) Laughter is good for your health. Put people in a good mood, and they'll react more positively to your content. Example: So three marketers walk into a bar ... Give People an Opportunity to Do Good Because it feels good to do good. Example: Make a difference with us for our local animal shelter Apply Your Knowledge: Write Better Subject Lines in Six Steps It's time to take what you've learned and put it into action. Follow these steps to start writing. Identify the Topic and Purpose of Your Email What is your email newsletter about? Here are some common possibilities: Promoting a sale. Sharing your most recent content. Announcing a new product launch. Offering helpful how-to tips. Getting event registrants. If your email is part of a broader campaign, make sure your messaging is consistent, too. Know Your Audience If you're doing marketing correctly, you should know who your audience is. But, your audience may be comprised of several different market segments. So, make sure you know exactly who you're targeting. Then, craft messaging that will appeal to them. Identify Your Benefit or Value Proposition Why would someone open this email? Think about what's in it for your reader, as much as what's in it for your brand. Some examples could include: Saving money. Completing a task more easily. Doing something charitable. Narrow it down to one core benefit. Pick Your Emotional Appeal Remember Urgency, Curiosity, Excitement, and Joy? Choose one to focus on. Or, consider writing several options targeting different emotional appeals. Whichever you choose, have clear intent behind your words. Match the Message in Your Email Copy Message-match means making sure your subject line aligns with your email's content. Typically, it's a term reserved for digital advertising, ensuring ad copy aligns with a landing page. But, we can apply the same principle here. For example, if you're promoting a sale, make sure your subject line and body copy are consistent with one another. If you're promoting a piece of content, make sure your subject line's message matches what they'll find on the destination page. Write Several Options With the Email Subject Line Tester It's a good idea to try tons of different options before settling on one subject line. If you're writing for a client, you might even give them five or six to choose from. As you write different options, the tester will keep track of your scores: Plus, the tool will help you learn what works (and what doesn't). It's an easy way to Ten Templates to Write Your Own Email Subject Lines As an exercise, try filling in these templates. Then, use the Email Subject Line Tester to see how your efforts perform. The best [AUDIENCE] are using this [TACTIC] to [BENEFIT] Do [ACTION] [PERCENT] better Save [PERCENT] on [PRODUCT] before [NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCE] [NUMBER] Ways to [BENEFIT] Using [PRODUCT] Achieve [GOAL] [PERCENT] Faster With [PRODUCT] Help [ORGANIZATION] do [BENEFIT] before [DEADLINE] The smartest [AUDIENCE] will be at [EVENT] ... Register for [EVENT] by [DEADLINE] and save [PERCENT] Here's how [INFLUENCER] does [ACTION] with [PRODUCT] [NUMBER] secrets the best [AUDIENCE] use to [BENEFIT] These writing prompts are simple, but should help get your creative gears turning. Get More Opens By A/B Testing Email Subject Lines Nearly every email service provider lets you send A/B tests for your email subject lines. Whether you use MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, or something similar, most provide A/B testing options when building email newsletters. This video is specific to MailChimp, but it covers a lot of A/B testing basics that should apply to most platforms: However, what makes a good A/B test? Let's dig into some tips. 5 Effective Tactics for Email A/B Testing The key to a good A/B test is to choose variables that really are different from one another. If you test two subject lines that sound too similar, you won't learn much. There needs to be a substantial difference between your two options. Consider these five different approaches when you run your next A/B test: 1. Test Two Different Value Propositions Let's say your email content is promoting a post that both: Shows readers how to save time. Shows them how to save money. These are two different value propositions. So, write two options, one focusing on each benefit. Then, see which performs best. The data will tell you which benefit your audience cares about most. That'll help you continue to write more effective subject lines in the future. The key to a good A/B test is to have options that are different from one another.2. Target Two Different Emotions Your audience might respond better to curiosity than urgency. Or, maybe they're looking for something that will brighten their day. So, find out. Try targeting different emotions and see what drives a better response. 3. Test Subject Line Length You might find different subject line lengths work best for you. Or, different lengths may work better for different types of messages. Consider experimenting with short (one or two words) versus long (seven or eight words). 4. Test Questions Versus Definitive Statements Questions can help get readers curious. However, definitive statements can express authority. Try both and see what happens. 5. Test Using Stats Statistics can drive email opens, especially when they're difficult to believe. If your email content includes an interesting stat, try incorporating one into subject line A. Then, write subject line B without a stat. Recommended Reading: What 10 Studies Say About the Best Time to Send Email Now, An Exercise In A/B Testing Now, let's try applying what you've learned to an actual A/B test. Write Your Email Content Start by writing your email copy. This will make it easier to write your subject lines. Identify Which Two Variables You'll Test Write two different subject line options. Try to emphasize something different in each one. For example, you could target two different emotions, in order to sell people on reading the same newsletter. Or, you could include an emoji or statistic in one, but not the other. Whichever you choose, the point is to know exactly what you're testing. See Which Does Best Once your email has sent, you'll see relatively quickly which outperformed the other. Use the Email A/B Subject Line Testing template we included in this post to track performance over time: Here are some specific things to monitor: Winning and Losing Subject Lines: Which options perform best? Do certain types appear to fail more frequently than others? Open Rates: How many people opened each email? CTR (Click-Through Rate): How many people click through on each subject line? You'll need to set up and measure A/B tests in your email marketing platform provider. Here's how, using several popular email marketing tools: MailChimp Campaign Monitor HubSpot Pardot Constant Contact Emma Measure Your Results Use the analytics tools built into your email platform to monitor open rates. Use the template included in this post, or create your own following the graphic below. Use it to track your winner and loser from the test, the difference in the results, and scrutinize the reason why your winner performed the best. This may require some subjective judgment. When assessing the reason one subject line outperformed the other, keep the following in mind: If you set up clear variables in your A/B test, the reason subject lines succeed or fail should be obvious. For example, if one option includes a statistic, while the other does not, then that's a good indicator that stats resonate with your audience. Look for patterns. The more you test, the more consistent patterns should emerge. The days and times you send email can impact results as well. Remember that the actual content of your email may influence open rates (and in turn, your email conversion rates, too. If people aren't interested in the topic of your email, then simply following best practices might not be enough to drive opens and clicks. Great content will get attention. Following proper mechanics and technique merely maximizes great content's ability to make an impact. When it comes to email marketing, your own data beats best practices. The recipients on your email list are different from anyone else's. What works for another business, might not work for yours. This is why it's better to know how to gather your own data than to simply follow someone else's. Don't use other's data as your guide. Use it to inspire you to get your own data.Now, Go Write Better Subject Lines! It's easy to overlook subject lines when we're writing marketing emails. They're short, so they should be easy, right? Not exactly. It's often tougher to write short, punchy messages than long, rambling pieces. When you only have about 50 characters to work with, every word counts. We can't tell you exactly what messaging will work best in your email. However, you're now equipped with the knowledge you need to start experimenting with your own subject lines. By following the tips and best practices in this post, you'll be able to dramatically increase your odds of success. Try different things. See what works. Ditch what doesn't. Repeat for success.
Monday, February 17, 2020
COPD Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
COPD - Case Study Example The chances of having COPD grow the more one smokes and the longer one has been smoking. This is because smoking inflames and irritates the lungs, which consequences in damaging. Over several years, the irritation steers to long-lasting variations in the lung. The partitions of the air-passage thicken and more secretion is generated. Injury to the subtle walls of the alveoli in the lungs results to emphysema and causes the lungs to lose their regular elasticity. The minor alveoli become damaged and contracted (Ellen & Kirkhorn, 2015). These variations results in the symptoms of coughing, breathing difficulty and phlegm related to COPD. A patient named R.S. comprised of pathological variations in four different partitions of the lungs (pulmonary vasculature, lung parenchyma, peripheral airways and central airways), which are patchily available in R.S. with the COPD. Tobacco smoking is the main risk factor for R.S. patient with COPD, however, other inhaled toxic particles and gases may contribute. Therefore, treating tobacco use and dependence should be regarded as a primary and a speciï ¬ c intervention for R.S. condition. His smoking should be evaluated routinely whenever the patient avails himself to a healthcare facility and should be provided with the best opportunity to treat his condition. This results in an inï ¬â€šammatory reaction in the lungs, which is blown up in this particular patient who is a smoker and drives to the distinguishing pathological destruction of the lungs of the patient (Ellen & Kirkhorn, 2015). Furthermore to lung inï ¬â€šammation, antiproteinases and an imbalance of proteinases in the lungs and oxidative stress are also essential in the pathogenesis of the patient. The variant pathogenic mechanisms generate the pathological variation which, subsequently, develop the following physiological defects in R.S patient: cilliary dysfunction and mucous hypersecretion; hyperinï ¬â€šation and airï ¬â€šow limitation; gas
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