Monday, May 11, 2020
The Big Match - Personal Narrative Essay - 1524 Words
The Big Match - Personal Narrative The crowd erupted as the 22 players emerged from the tunnel; each one gunning for victory like the crowd and each player was greeted with an encouraging cheer. Then whilst the players shook hands with the other team, regarded as the enemy, I was left to fantasise about the course of events that might occur over the next 90 minutes of thrilling action. This was the final, placing Champions Of England, Manchester United against the Champions Of Germany, Bayern Munich. War was about to commence . . .. This was the day I had been anticipating since United had qualified for the final and my Dad immediately booked flights, tickets and hotel accommodation so we†¦show more content†¦Everyone nearby was a United fan, although I couldnt hear the Germans fans opposite us. It was a friendly atmosphere. Just as I was beginning to feel settled, Bayern won a free kick on the edge of the penalty area. This looks dangerous, murmured my Dad, not daring to take his eyes off the ball as if it might suddenly fly in the back of the net without warning. The goalie will save it, but this guyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. whats his name? Basler, replied my Dad, still not daring to alter his gaze. That the one, I replied, Basler, will miss it! I added in a triumphant manner. Then, as if he was waiting for me to finish prophesising his kick, Basler stepped up to the ball and launched a daisy-cutter, which skimmed across the ground, thorough the wall, eluded the goalkeeper and nestled in the back of the net. The opposite end of the stadium erupted into cheers and cries of ecstatic excitement and no doubt joy. The silent German fans were no longer silent, they were loud. They were so loud, yet we were so quiet; it made the bitter disappointment much worse. My dad his shook his head, which like many other nearby supporters was now buried in his hands and resting on his lap. It was like he was trying to hide his embarrassment (for he is a loyal supporter) but he still displayedShow MoreRelatedThe Cricket Match Essay1032 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The Cricket Match†Samuel Selvon’s short story, â€Å"The Cricket Match†explores the subtle racial tensions amongst West Indian immigrants living in England whilst working with English counterparts. Selvon sets his narrative in a tyre factory in Chiswick, England. Most likely, the timeline in which this story occurs is somewhere in the mid 1950’s when England were still colonists of most of the English speaking Caribbean islands. The main idea behind Selvon’s tale lies with Algernon the protagonistRead More Clash with the Hurricane- Personal Narrative Essay868 Words  | 4 PagesClash with the Hurricane- Personal Narrative The sky darkened from the blue light sky, it turned suddenly to a dark black gloomy sky hovering with a mist cloud. I walked back into the car, seemingly it was going to pour down. Heavily, the wind blew. 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