Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Personal Account of Being Obese - 1216 Words
When it comes to Obesity i am one of it victims.I have been suffering from it for the past 7 years. Obesity was basically the trigger of all diseases that were in my genetics chain and not to mention the diseases that Obesity forms. In my genetics Blood Pressure,various heart diseases,Diabetes,Bursitis of the knee,Fatigue,Sleep Apnea,Chronic Fatigue syndrome and the one I most hate Insomnia. All of these diseases are present in my genetics some triggered and some on the brink of being triggered to make my life even worse. I have been a victim of Doctors play or basically a Lab rat to be more verbal , many doctors were trying medicines and ways of undefined curing just to make use of what they have and basically get rid of it. Obesity†¦show more content†¦And to end this sub paragraph with an example is similar condition to this addiction is Nicotine addiction where people hallucinate and suffer from migraines to joint pain that is all a signal that the brain does to tell the person to feed the addiction so when he feeds his addiction those pains stop and a good feeling flows through the body thus stating addiction Shifting over to diseases that happen during obesity but for i start did you know that there are 400,000 deaths that were caused by diseases that come from Obesity. Ok now lets start with the diseases that I suffer from, starting with High Blood Pressure or Hypertension well you see this disease is commonly known widely for the elderly but Obesity takes a step forward gives it to ya in any age and the risk to develop such diseases is really high for Obese people than for normal people.You might ask how does it occur well the hearts job is to pump blood through arteries and veins to help organs do their job. You see when a person is obese definitely their is alot of fats in his body so these fats are scattered around the body and the fats that are next to the arteries apply pressure to the blood flow thus making the heart pump out more blood and faster which is known as high blood pressure.Second type 2 Diabetes well I dont really suffer from diabetes but I do have it in my genetics a nd its present in my body but in-order to have it I have to reach level 7.2Show MoreRelatedWhat You Eat Is Your Business894 Words  | 4 Pagesof America. Unfortunately, the fight to end obesity has opened a gateway for governmental control over the personal lives of American consumers. At first glance, many Americans might be convinced that congress’s efforts to eliminate this concerning health issue is favorable to society as a whole. But on closer investigation, it is easily seen that the governments influence on such a personal matter produces the antithesis of beneficial and ultimately aids in nurturing obesity. In Radley Balko’s essayRead MoreThe Social Consequences Of Being Obese905 Words  | 4 Pagesconsequences of being obese are severe. Individuals are targets of being stereotyped and stigmatized. Approximately one-third of all children and half of all adults in the UK are above a healthy weight (Mendcentralorg, 2016). For obese adults, research has do cumented that people who experience weight criticism have a higher chance of experiencing depression, anxiety, social isolation, and poorer psychological adjustment (Obesityorg, 2016). This stigmatization has often led to obese individuals reportingRead MoreObesity Epidemic in America1748 Words  | 7 Pagesepidemic proportions. Obesity and weight gain has become major concern of public health in the United States. In every state, at least twenty percent of adults are obese, and in twelve of these states the obesity rate is above thirty percent. Mississippi currently holds the highest rate of obesity with 34.9 percent of its residents being obese. On the contrary, Colorado has the lowest rate of obesity with 20.7 percent. CNN estimated that annual medical care costs due to obesity reached $147 billion, butRead MoreCan Weight Loss Save You Money?862 Words  | 4 PagesPrevention. Extra body weight is associated with numerous health conditions, including diabetes and heart disea se. It s a proven fact that losing weight can improve your physical and emotional well-being. In the following slides, experts weigh in on whether slimming down can also bolster your bank account. Eat less, spend less? Does dropping a few pant sizes trim food costs? Quite possibly, according to Barbara O Neill, a professor and specialist in finance resource management at Rutgers UniversityRead MoreThe Health Problem Of Obesity Essay1027 Words  | 5 Pageswe are eating ourselves into an early grave, and we are doing it in massive numbers. (State of Obesity). The National Institute of Health categorizes anyone with a body mass index between 25 and 29 as overweight, and one of 30 or higher as obese. (textbook). Being in this weight category brings along a multiplicity of health issues, both physical and mental. An increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer are just a few of the diseases that are directly linked with obesity. (NIHRead MoreObesity : Obesity Causes And Solutions1658 Words  | 7 Pagesviewed as a social issue rather than a medicalization issue. Though a large portion of the United States is considered overweight or obese, there are countless conflicting cultural messages and expectations involving obesity and thinness. Within the American culture, a great deal of value is placed on being thin and beautiful, and it is implied through the media that being physically attractive is associated with an overall higher quality of life. Boreo addressed how the media spreads panic about thisRead Moreâ€Å"Today We Have A Health Insurance Industry Where The First1186 Words  | 5 PagesIt is an industry that is increasingly concentrated and where Americans are paying more to receive less.†(Feinstein) Obese adults shouldn’t pay for higher premiums because it’s not equal everybody should pay the same amount of health care, the government shouldn’t be allowed to control  people s lifestyles, and thin people can have as many diseases and health problems as obese people. An insurance premium is the amount of money that an individual or business must pay for an insurance policy. TheRead MoreRaising The Bar By Trey Parker And Matt Stone1386 Words  | 6 Pages35.7 percent of the United States population is considered to be obese. With such a large number like this its no wonder that South Park has made at least one episode shining their satirical light on this issue. The episode Raising the Bar, created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, does exactly that. Like that South Park episode Radley Balko focuses on the issue of obesity in the article What You Eat Is Your Business, where he takes a point opposite of his title. South Park supports and proves BalkoRead MoreThe Problem Of Childhood Obesity1199 Words  | 5 Pagesinactivity being two of the major contributors. The policy problem that will be addressed is the lack of access to healthy food in certain areas of the community. Addressing this problem will improve the health status of a specific popu lation (obese children). Addressing it may also help resolve one of the contemporary issues in this community. Justification/Significance A study performed by Ogden, Carroll, Kit, Flegal (2014) found that 17% of children in this country are considered obese. This rateRead MoreObesity as a Function of Personal Behavior853 Words  | 3 Pageswill examine obesity as a function of personal behaviour, ceteris paribus. I will explore this in three veins: obesity as a rational decision pursued by the individual, obesity as the result of a weak will, and as a form of (un/)willing addiction. Traditional economic science prefers to depict developments as the outcome of rational decision-making by individuals. The rationality of humans is defined by the attempt to maximize their utility, a proxy for well-being. Applying this procedure to the case
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